Sneezing and clear discharge


Mar 30, 2024
I just treated all 10 of my chicks a few weeks back with Tiagard from some upper respiratory thing that was going around. They all got better quickly. But i just noticed my little 6 week old silkie roo sneezed 2x when i was holding him and some clear fluid sprayed on me from his nostril. Not a lot and his nose doesn’t look clogged or oozing just a little shiny from the wet that came out. I did just get done cleaning the brooder and they are out zooming around. So I’m thinking it’s just dust? But could they spray a little nasal fluid when sneezing?
I did just get done cleaning the brooder and they are out zooming around. So I’m thinking it’s just dust? But could they spray a little nasal fluid when sneezing?
Are you using any cleaning products in the brooder or just scooping poop/adding bedding?

Dust can definitely cause some sneezing and yes, a bit spray could accompany a sneeze.

If the sneeze is just a random thing, then I'd monitor.

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