
In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2023
Hi everyone!
This is my first year with chickens so I’m a little concerned.
I have a 4 month old olive egger pullet that has been sneezing for a week now. She sneezes pretty often. Her sneezing is not accompanied by any other symptoms aside from occasionally opening her mouth to breathe for a few moments and then she’s back to normal. She’s eating very well (she loves fruit as a snack!), drinking well (I put electrolytes in their water on hot days), very active and outside in the chicken run with my other 12 chickens daily. None of my other chickens are sneezing like her that I’ve heard.
For bedding in the coop I use pine shavings. I have used pine since they were a few days old.
My vet at work took a look at her and he said she looks pretty healthy. He said that her lungs sounded clear and to monitor her for now. I guess I’m just wondering when I should start to be worried? And when/if I should give her antibiotics?
It may be feed/water or dirt in her nares(nostrils). Has it been windy where you are? She may be getting stuff in her nostrils, but it could be indicative of a larger problem. I had a 10 year old bantam Wyandotte hen that had a throat injury. She would gasp and used to sneeze a lot. One morning she died and I suspect she had choked to death or aspirated. Nothing could have saved her and it was a freak accident. Did your vet check your pullets mouth? It could be nothing or it could be serious, just keep and eye and her and you may want to do a more in-depth exam (preformed bu your vet) Keep us update on how she is!
It may be feed/water or dirt in her nares(nostrils). Has it been windy where you are? She may be getting stuff in her nostrils, but it could be indicative of a larger problem. I had a 10 year old bantam Wyandotte hen that had a throat injury. She would gasp and used to sneeze a lot. One morning she died and I suspect she had choked to death or aspirated. Nothing could have saved her and it was a freak accident. Did your vet check your pullets mouth? It could be nothing or it could be serious, just keep and eye and her and you may want to do a more in-depth exam (preformed bu your vet) Keep us update on how she is!
My vet did a full physical exam which included opening her mouth and looking in there with a light. He saw nothing out of the ordinary luckily. It has been a little windy where I live but nothing crazy. I do feed them Purina layer crumbles that I’ve noticed can be pretty dusty sometimes. So maybe it’s that? I’ve been feeding them the crumbles since they were babies though.
Is she sneezing all day long every few minutes, or mostly when she eats? Infectious bronchitis virus can cause frequent sneezing round the clock for around a month, but you would probably see more than one with it. Have you added any new birds recently?
Is she sneezing all day long every few minutes, or mostly when she eats? Infectious bronchitis virus can cause frequent sneezing round the clock for around a month, but you would probably see more than one with it. Have you added any new birds recently?
She's sneezing pretty much all day long until she settles in for bedtime. She's my only sneezer. I haven't added any new birds either. I got all 13 of my hens at the same time in April. I had considered an infectious virus as well but nobody else has had any symptoms. I would think more of them would've gotten sick by now no? She's been sneezing since last Sunday.
Are you using pine shavings as bedding? If so look at that for the cause. If you do try switching to strawif available
Yes I use pine shavings as bedding. I have since I got them as babies. Crazy that she could be reacting to it all this time later

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