Sneezing ducklings... water is deep enough


May 27, 2022
I have 5 ducklings and a gosling, a little over a week old. Three days ago I heard one of the ducks sneezing, but then went right over to the water and dunked his head and cleared up whatever it was. Since then I've caught all the ducklings sneezing at least once, and this morning they were all sneezing! The goose isn't, though. No other symptoms, no nasal discharge, all eating, drinking, pooping, running around, and peeping.
General setup: 100 gallon rubbermaid stock tank inside, on pine shavings, with a heat lamp (I know not ideal, the ducks were a surprise emergency acquisition) about 90F at the hottest spot and ambient room temp around 70F. I clean it twice a day so it stays nice and fresh. They typically sleep in a loose group just out of the direct heat of the lamp. Waterer is tupperware with holes in it that they can stick their whole heads into, they're eating unmedicated chick starter grower food plus romaine lettuce snacks, dandelion green snacks, and a few other little things they've tried. They have access to grit. I've been taking them outside every day since they were a few days old into a nice little outside pen on the grass where they can swim and Gracie Goose loves grazing.
I'm completely new at this and super worried about my little friends! I'm hoping it's just sort of general dust from the shavings, eating dry food... When should I become worried, and what can I do about it? I'm in Canada, so I may not have access to the good bird medicines if bird keeping is anything like fish keeping.
I have ducklings that sneeze too
My first batch in December did this and they were never outside until 3 months
None were sick all are thriving and at 5.5-6 months old
The shavings and the feed is dusty
I stopped using shavings until 2 weeks with little ones and they cut back the sneezing
My first batch my one little ones at day 3 had a tiny piece of shaving in his nose. I gave 2 baths a day he had water deep enough to dunk it took till day 8 and with advice from @Miss Lydia to add acv with mother into a separate water dish. This did the trick. He used the acv and then had a bath and he sneezed up a storm and it came out
Still the odd sneeze but not like he was with a constant sneeze. I think the others were trying to copy him lol
I started to sift the feed with cheese cloth and was shocked at how much dust was in the feed

This batch I used puppy pads and no sneezing then I switched to shavings at 2 weeks and sneezing started.
I also give water dishes deep enough
I give them a bath a day and mine have been inside as we have had cool and rainy weather.
I don’t worry about the sneezing now Unless it’s constant then I will check that baby to see if there is something in the nose
If the poo is normal and all are eating and drinking normal then it’s probably fine and the dust from feed and shavings are bothering it
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