Snowed in chickens


12 Years
Jan 4, 2008
vancouver island
We are having one of the heaviest snowfalls I can remember in a long time. The poor birds can't make much use of their larger outer run, even if they wanted to, unless they learn to tunnel..

Here is what I see when I go out to feed them.

This is what is under all that snow. Glad I built a smaller covered run, so at least they can be outside a bit.

A picture of the brave ones.
They only stayed out for a few minutes, before heading back in.

My scarecrow, not looking so scary...


This is what he usually looks like.

So as you can see, I can hardly wait till spring!!
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Golden comets? They sure look like my hens.
We always joke about 'Lotusland' and how you guys should experience snow, I guess we'll have to be more charitable from now on!

Looks like you're coping well, and I hope you don't have a sudden thaw so you can get rid of that stuff easily and safely. I invested in a roof rake this year, worth every $$$
Wow ! Snow in Vancouver !! My kids told me this is the first time in 40 odd years that ALL of Canada had a white Christmas........Dont worry your spring is around the corner ....hopefully.....just hope it melts slowly.....your photo's are beautiful.....
I will not complain about a little rain, I will not complain about a little rain, I will not complain about a little rain…

Beautiful pictures, but hope you and those beautiful hens don't freeze your tail feathers! I'd like to experience a White Christmas, although I 'm not sure I could take it more than a few days!
Your summer pictures are making me salivate. My hens seem to HATE the snow. They freak out if it touches their feet. They squawk at me when I walk away from them because, due to the snow, they are not able to follow me as they were used to doing. Poor chicken ladies!
HAHAHA you know that's funny, you should say "tunnel," back when we had a farm in Northern Saskatchewan we'd let the kennel dogs out and they'd LITEREALLY tunnel through the 6ft snow in their runs, they loved it LOL.

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