So excited to finally introduce these sweet girls!

Thank you all so much for your sweet replies! I haven't had a chance to reply until today, sorry for the late response. Things are moving along in that area. We really are only having problems with my black Asian chicken (who is the top of the pecking order under our rooster) and surprisingly with one of my usual sweet quiet Australorps who is near the bottom of the pecking order that is bullying. We also got two new chickens today that were rescued from going to slaughter. They are 15 month old blue azur chickens. They are a production egg breed that lays beautiful blue eggs but they look similar to leghorns. Someone local to us buys them in bulk to keep them from going to slaughter and then sells them. Here is a picture of them😍 and also a picture of the eggs they lay. The egg was gathered this morning by the lady we bought them from. Also I will keep you all updated on how integration continues to go for these two as well as the new ones we got today in a month or so!


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