So it's not the flu.


I'm an original
12 Years
Jun 12, 2007
Tioga, Louisiana
To those of you who I told I thought I was coming down with the flu..

I woke up this morning and my face is swollen and red with tiny tiny bumps all over it, and I have fever and it itches and stings. Urg. Anyone have any ideas to what it might be? And poison ivy is ruled out.. It feels different. It's spreading to the right side of my face, over my forehead and down my neck..

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oh, gosh, are you sure you were not stung or bitten by something? Could just be an alergic reaction to something, but the fever, high is the fever? I am no nurse, just guessing here.

Have you ever had shingles? Look that up and see what you think, my mom had it on her face and that was the worst place to have it.
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Nope, not stung or bitten by anything that I can think of... My fever's about 100.1 but it fluxuates between 98.0 and 99.9. Never had the shingles, but my mom said it's usually just on the forehead..So I don't know.

I'd go to the doctor but we don't have any insurance to cover it right now and we're kinda low on money. =\\
If your fever goes up, if it continues for more than a few days - go to the ER, they cannot turn you away just because you can't pay. A little debt is better than a little death. (except in the french sense of the term, at which point I'll take the latter, thank you very much!
) Okay that's rather extreme, I don't think a rash would kill you, but the point is that in adults, 104 is when you start worrying about neurological problems, so at 100-101 I would start to get twitchy if you're not seeing a *lessening* of symptoms, but rather new and different stuff cropping up.

In the meantime, benadryl might help if it's an allergic reaction to something (which rashes often are), I'm assuming you're already taking Tylenol to knock the fever down? Since it's a small area, make a little bowl of oatmeal, let it cool and splorch some of that on the affected areas to help with the itch.

(and feel better, that just looks really uncomfortable!)
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Poision ivy/oak can go systemic and it looks just like that.

I'd try benadryl and see if that helps the swelling and itching.

With a fever it could be just about anything. I second the opinion to try benadryl and see if that helps - if an allergic reaction it should help.

If fever goes above 101, and/or lasts more than a couple days, or you get a worsening of symptoms, you should see a dr.
I don't know what it is either but shingles can be anywhere on your body not just your forehead...I'd be getting some benadryl too...and I agree if your fever doesn't get better or goes higher get to a clinic .....
Thats about how I get when I have hives. I never used to get them but a weird combination of being in the sun plus aspertame (or nutrasweet) causes me to break out in rashes like that. Very red and itchy, and sometimes it blisters. However I dont think that I ever caught a fever from it. If benedril works on it (I have a bottle of spray-on benedril that stop the itching pretty quickly) then i'd guess that's the culprit.

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