So Much Illness…What is Going On?


May 2, 2022
I’m beside myself with sick flock issues.

Last week I treated a 20 wk old hen with sneezing and labored breathing that seems to have recovered, except for the occasional sneeze. Before those symptoms arose she would isolate and puff up on and off for a couple weeks. Had stool tested and came back negative for everything. Before the sneezing and labored breathing started, it was recommended on here that I treat the whole flock for Coccidiosis with Corid for 7 days, so I did even though fecal came back normal for that bird.
Everyone got Poultry Cell in water after.

This was 2 weeks ago now.

Since then I have 2 more 20wk old hens develop leg paralysis. I’m assuming we have Mareks because they are not recovering with complex B, vitamin E and Selenium daily. Going to try Complex B injections as a last resort (I have heard others say this helped theirs even after popping pills did not).

I had another 20wk old hen develop wry neck yesterday. I am treating with vitamins and minerals accordingly and she is recovering slowly.

This morning I found a hen just laying down and refusing to get out of coop. She acted alert until I brought her into isolation, now she is trying to sleep. She won’t use her legs, just lays down, but it’s not the same paralysis type legs as the other hens. When I put my finger under her foot her toes can curl around/grip my finger. They are also pulled up kind of tight under her body. She also stayed on the roost when I picked her up and plopped her there. She is just refusing to stand for some reason.
I also noticed that her crop feels a little bit like some fluid is in there, kind of like a water balloon that’s only 1/4 full. The 3rd time I handled her since going into isolation a little fluid came out of her beak. I do think it smelled slightly off. Does she need medication for sour crop ?? I do feel like I hear slight gurgling inside her now and then. She wont eat or drink for me so I force anything with syringe to keep her hydrated?

I have a varied flock of 21, all different ages. My 20wk olds are my youngest and not laying yet, then they vary in age up to 1 yr. All my younger 20wk olds are having the issues.

My flock mainly eats Scratch and Peck Organic layer pellets. Sometimes I buy Organic Purina Pellets when I run out and have to order more of the other. Sometimes I put raw apple cider vinegar in water.

I have checked for external parasites several times. I haven’t had any more fecal samples tested since that one bird a couple weeks ago.

Could all of this randomness be from Mareks? I understand that not all birds exhibit symptoms and something needs to trigger an immune response, but I don’t know what that could be lately. Change in weather? Recent hawk attack? I have had a couple in the past and no one seemed to care or get sick after.

I am overwhelmed. On top of that I will be gone for 36hrs and have to leave this madness to my mother who will not be comfortable administering any meds or force feeding. So I have today to try and get them all in a place to sit tight while I’m gone.
Anyone else I know that can help has a flock of their own and in case we have Mareks I will not be asking them to come.

Any advice for overall help or more specifically how to address the needs of this latest hen would be appreciated. See video below.

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Sorry you are having so many problems. My guess is Mareks for those with mobility issues. You said you have different age birds. Were they bought as chicks from a hatchery? Or private seller?

What doe your set up look like? Crowding can cause stress, and improper ventilation can cause respiratory problems.

In the fall here I occasionally see sick birds because of the shift in weather as well as wild birds migrating and bringing in illness.

I cannot help with how to treat as we cull for illness here to keep the flock stronger. Birds that recover can often be carriers depending on the cause.
Thank you for responding!

All of my birds came from 2 different hatcheries as chicks. I’m wondering if my older flock contracted something that the rest of the flock is struggling to live with. Like Mareks.

I’m wondering with all the rain and them going into the coop all the time if that is causing stress. My coop is 8x12. My run is 20x30 but only covered with a net. We have not been free ranging for probably a month because I had 3 hawk attacks. We are literally in the process of building a new run with a metal roof to keep things dry. Unfortunately it’s taking forever to get different materials in on a timely manner (and then builder back out to keep working). I’m sure they are bored in the run.

The bird that I suspected might have sour crop vomited and died a couple hours ago.

I have never considered culling to keep the flock stronger but that might be smart in some cases I’m dealing with.

Thank you for your time!
I'm so sorry you are having so much trouble.
It would be a really good idea to have the bird that died necropsied. That way you will know if you are dealing with Marek's or something else. There are other things that can have Marek's like symptoms also, it's a really good thing to know for sure, it can help you in making decisions in the future. In many states it's not terribly expensive to have it done.
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