so my chickens have a window in the coop....


11 Years
Oct 28, 2008
portland, or
it's a clerestory window. you know like the windows at the top of the wall here

i just moved roosts today as our girls were growing and we hadn't settled on exactly what we wanted.

now i put the roost up high (i'll probably have to lower it as they grow more) but they can now easily see out the window. i've noticed that they like to sit up high sometimes and look out over their empire but i'm wondering if they can roost comfortably and restfully with a window right in their faces or if i now need to add shutters or a mini-chicken-blind of some sort.

thoughts ?
Chicken's always seem to fight over the spot with the window. I think they are are good at half sleeping like a lot of other birds. My biggest concern with roost placement is drafts. I worry that too near the top they will be more prone to drafts.
we have tons of windows in our coop....and our chickens seen to love it. Our new coop will be almost all windows around the roost area....for light, and for the pleasure of the chickens

I think the more windows the long as they are installed good, so there isnt a draft...the chickens will love it.

If you look at the coup in my signature line it shows all the windows we have in our first coop......more then we need ...but it's great for light and for the flock to have a view.....wouldnt you rather look out a window then look at a wall? LOL


btw: if that is what your coop is going to look like.....I really wanna see the pics of the final building!!! WOW
aiwetir LOVE your website!!!! I know most the pics on there...but for anyone that hasnt ever been to the area....what a great way to see the REAL pics of it!!!!
no my coop is not going to look like that

i'll post some pix some day. things are pretty draft proof, but i'm not sure how draft proof is draft proof needs to be. probably as good as our 100 year house and probably better than our own drafty doors and maybe a bit worse than our newer windows. one windy day i'll put the chicks and bedding out and put some candles in and see how the wax drips or see if i can see the candle blowing around in the wind.

next dry few days i'm going to caulk and prime it so that should help with any drafts (or is it draughts)

it doesn't get that cold here in portland (not like some of our members in montreal) but it does get windy

i'm also glad to know the window wasn't a bad choice.

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