Road trip to the oncologist in -27o, whoopee. when we get close to the bay the windchill aught to be LOTS of fun
I really don't look forward to the 2 1/2 hour drive but he's the best so it is worth it and it is a bit of a miracle that way up here I found him (long story but trust me, it actually is a real miracle).
But at least the testing will tell if I can stay on my drug or if it's causing too much heart damage
Long day for hubby and the pup but I have loaded the Kindle for him with "Killing Jesus", a book he's been wanting to read, so it shouldn't be too terrible. Poor sweety. He gets so nervous when I have tests. He has no idea that these echos are a snap! I just lay there in a comfy room and listen to country music and then I get fed warm cookies

prayers for a safe trip and good results will be greatly appreciated. have a great day and be safe!!!
Hi everyone - I haven't been around BYC for awhile. Saw your request JJ! Here's the update: Paul (hubby) has struggled a lot with the treatments for his throat cancer.
Radiation & chemo at the same time. Of all things radiation was the worst for him, he had a very high dose for the tumor. His trach really bothers him & he's in a lot of pain from it. His feeding tube is fine & the easiest thing to work with.

From lack of moving around on his own & not being able to swallow, speak or chew his mouth muscles "froze" as did most of his body. we finally got help from therapists to work with him and he's made some improvements. We have a hospital bed in the family room for him & a wheelchair to sit in. And of course the walker to get around. He wears Depends at night but is OK on his own during the day to use the bathroom. I have to wash & dress him everyday - get his food cans ready for him & his meds, clean & make his bed and the LAUNDRY....which is every day. It's our new normal. The stress got me big time in the beginning, now I'm used to it, or can handle it better.

He had a PET scan 2 wks ago and that showed his throat clear but there was a mass near his right clavicle. We don't know what that is, but think it may be an injury he got when he fell. He has fallen a few times
, so we're hoping that's what it is. Doc also said it could be an infection - so he's on antibiotics. So we had the CT scan done for the mass and we see the Oncologist for that diagnosis on the 8th. He is slightly improving. It's still a "wait & see" situation. The good news is that the ENT Doc has gotten him on the 3rd and final smallest size trach, so we are slowly getting him closer to weaning him off that thing. He can't wait.

The speech therapist is working with him to get the mouth muscles moving and getting him trained to swallow again, so when the trach is removed he will be able to work his mouth in a normal way and get to swallowing food again. The GI tube will stay for awhile so he can get nourishment. But we have to see what this mass is to finally see where we are going with this.

If it wasn't for my interest in tribal drumming & the drum circles & didgeridoo and sound healing with crystal bowls & gong - I don't know where I would be right now. So things kind of fell into place for me in that department.
It keeps me calm & I can better handle things. I still have my 5 chickens and may get some baby chicks sometime this year.
Yes. You are in my thoughts always. I have a stream of them for you. If the cancer was not enough, the ice and snow and travel ramps the prayers up a bit.
Be safe. stay warm.
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Luna! I am glad you checked in!
I have been worried for you.
I am glad the cancer has been chased off. But it sounds like it has been a horrible battle.
It better be gone! I will keep that thought front and center.

I can not imagine the pain your husband is in.
Hang in there.
to everyone who needs them!

Brief history on my mom: She was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in October. It is stage 1, but considered aggressive, so she is having chemo before surgery. She is 12 days out from her 4th (and final) A/C chemo. It has been very rough on her and she has been nauseous 24/7 for 2 months and in for IV fluids and low blood sugar twice this past 2 weeks. She is suppose to start the Taxol chemo this week, once a week for 12 treatments. I'm praying that this will be easier on her. Once that is completed they will give her a month to regain her strength before a double mastectomy.

With a 1 and 3 year old I am not able to help her out as much as I would like to, but luckily my dad and my mom's 2 sisters are able to tag team things pretty well. Here's to hoping the next round of chemo is not so hard.
I hate to hear news like this...just know there is hope ! And one of my advices is let friends n family help out with all the little things that seem to become big driving u to an chores ..cutting the dad is battling cancer now too and the support friends and neighbors have been is amazing...its OK to rest..and its OK to ask for help ! Prayers with u! And...r u expecting chemo or radiation ?
A simple prayer for all of you( and you who have loved ones) fighting thru the horrors of radiation and chemo. I am proof and hope that there can be light at the end of the tunnel. My chemo was six+ years ago now and tho I remain on drug therapy because there is no cure for me, YET, I am able to live a wonderful life.

My greatest prayer is that there comes a cure soon for us all that does not include such suffering as many of you must bear. God bless you :hugs

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