So this is a lesson learned, be careful integrating chicks!

ginormous chicken

9 Years
Jan 18, 2011
Elverta, California
I thought I would let everyone know that I had 4 top hat variety chickens in a brooder. They were all hitting about 5 1/2 weeks and I wanted to put the older looking ones out. So, I scooped up the houdan and the Gold Laced Polish and put them in the coop with some 6 week olds. some 7 week olds, and 4, 12 week olds. They all share a brooder. Everything was fine. I found the houdan alone outside the run, but everyone else was free ranging around. I locked everyone up at night and the houdan was asleep with the smaller chicks. Sun. morning I wake up and found the poor chick pecked to death. I think once they saw blood they don't stop. I find it strange the Golden Laced polish which is the same age did fine with its peers but the poor houdan didn't make it.

I now know when putting new birds in, not to be so brash and blase about it. I am waiting until the 2 other top hats get older. It is a silkie and a Sultan. I guess we all gotta be really careful putting together birds that weren't raised together.
Mine did the same thing. 1 dead and 2 badly injured. I have discovered that my little adult roo will supervise them while they freerange and break up any fights. He plucked a few feathers out of the two bullies but he seems to know not to hurt the babies.
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Wow that stinks
thanks for sharing your lesson though

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