So we were going to do 2 hens, but I was recently told you should have 3 or limit is 4


5 Years
May 17, 2014
Federal Way, Washington State
So we were going to do 2 so that in a few years when they stop laying we could rotate 2 more in (thus reaching our limit of 4) and keep the non layers the rest of their life span as well.

I was recently told that hens really crave a 'flock' which at a minimum is actually 3 birds. So, I am thinking we should get one more? Ours are pullets right now (2 EEr's) that are about 5 weeks old. I was looking at maybe adding 1 more but doing a Barred Plymouth Rock instead.

The girls are still in their brooder and there is certainly room for another. Do they do ok introducing a singleton to a duo at this age?

What do you think?
I think at five weeks you could carefully introduce another similar age chicken
I think they say three in case one dies so you still have two to keep each other company
I don't see any reason you can't stick to your original plan if you want to
Any more opinions before we go look? Here are the breed options. I was going to do the barred rock but that is the only one non vax'd and since ours are vax'd I'd prefer to get another one who is

Breeds available: Australorp, Marans, Welsummer, Partridge Plymouth Rock, RI Red, RI White, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire, Ameraucana, Delaware, Jersey Giant, Ancona, Blue Andalusian, Langshan, Brahma, White Plymouth Rock, Leghorn, Rose-comb Brown Leghorn, White Livorno, Black Star (sex-link), GL, SL, BLR, White & Golden Wyandottes
Any more opinions before we go look? Here are the breed options. I was going to do the barred rock but that is the only one non vax'd and since ours are vax'd I'd prefer to get another one who is

Breeds available: Australorp, Marans, Welsummer, Partridge Plymouth Rock, RI Red, RI White, Buff Orpington, New Hampshire, Ameraucana, Delaware, Jersey Giant, Ancona, Blue Andalusian, Langshan, Brahma, White Plymouth Rock, Leghorn, Rose-comb Brown Leghorn, White Livorno, Black Star (sex-link), GL, SL, BLR, White & Golden Wyandottes

If you are getting a newborn chick I would monitor it carefully if putting it in with 5 week old chicks. That's a pretty big age difference when they are small.
My choice from your above list would be the Australorp. Long life and terrific egg producer.
There is no problem with having just 2 birds, they just dint like to be alone. If you don't want another bird right now, stick with the 2 you already have. They only recommend having three so one is not left alone if the worst happens to one of your birds.

i have 2 very happy BO's, although i have ordered a Bluebell to go with them, but this is only down to the fact that chickens are a very addictive thing to have around! So much so i have earmarked another part of the garden for another coop!
Thanks so much for the replies! So we went with some Barred Plymouth that are about a week behind or EE'rs. We ended up getting 2. They are so addicting! Not sure how we will handle it when they stop laying since our limit is 4, we just have 4 pet chickens until they pass, which is fine :)

It was SO interesting when we added them to the brooder, all four of them instantly started pecking around and I guess 'flocking'. Our 2 never did this before, but suddenly adding the other 2 seemed to start up the instinct. Before, our 2 only pecked the actual food and nothing else. Really made me feel like we made the right decision :)
Thanks so much for the replies! So we went with some Barred Plymouth that are about a week behind or EE'rs. We ended up getting 2. They are so addicting! Not sure how we will handle it when they stop laying since our limit is 4, we just have 4 pet chickens until they pass, which is fine :) 

It was SO interesting when we added them to the brooder, all four of them instantly started pecking around and I guess 'flocking'. Our 2 never did this before, but suddenly adding the other 2 seemed to start up the instinct. Before, our 2 only pecked the actual food and nothing else. Really made me feel like we made the right decision :) 

Sounds like a good choice glad they are all happy together

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