so..what breed?

sounds awesome, nubians are one of my absolute favorite breeds, most people prefer the lamanchas but the nubis are just such characters.
the nigerian dwarves im new too, but in prep ive been working with a small holder with dairy goats and she just got some plus mini nubis (nigerian x nubian) and there awesome little goats!

im currently in the process of figuring out where i want to live (as in state) and tyring to find a home with some acreage to get started as i reacently became single...

rain, im exactly the same, i dont realy want a cow simply because id like to have more room for dairy goats, but one day i do want alpaca!
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I don't have geese yet, but I've been going through the same breed picking process. Originally the choice was sebastopols, but the more reading we do, the more we are convinced we want pilgrims. I've been going to the book store and reading up on it, plus plugging the breeds I'm most interested in into the search feature on this forum has given me loads of threads to read with personal experiences dealing with that breed . . . except for the pomeranian. Not many people on here seem to have those, and I'd love to know what their personalities are like because I think they're gorgeous. As far as pilgrims go, though, I've been hard pressed to find anyone with a less than stellar experience with them. And you gotta love that you get two completely different looking geese without winding up with mixed breed goslings.
Have you considered white africans? They can be big and very impressive. They tend to be more of barkers than biters and tend to look more massive than they really are, Just me maybe but I always think of sebbes as ladies in party dresses.
I have two Embden geese, 1 male and 1 female and my male is quite aggressive but my female is very nice.

Hope this helps!

Remember, the geese will eat your garden plants and poop everywhere. I *LOVE* my geese but they are out in the pasture and fenced out of my garden. They might cause more damage than the kids...

Just an FYI, definitely not discouraging the goosekeeping.

Another thing to keep in mind with sebbies is that they aren't as impervious to weather as other geese due to the nature of their feathers. They also require at least a baby pool to stay clean.

I have Buff Americans, Dewlap Toulouse, and Sebastopols. I plan on replacing my Buff's with Embdens over the next year or two. Embdens are large impressive white geese, although I hear they can be aggressive. That said, my sebbie has been a bit of a bear lately since his girlie is on eggs.

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