Soft- Shelled Egg (help?)


13 Years
Jun 15, 2009
My pekin girl, Yuki, who is still recovering from her broken leg, laid a soft- shelled egg in the duck pool last night or this morning.. or at least I think it was her. She has laid two eggs in the time we've had her.. maybe a month or so? Her first one she laid a while ago and she laid it in a puddle
I also just learned that spinach can make duck's eggs go soft or shell-less (thanks Nettie!) and I feed my chickens and ducks spinach all of the time. We are going to start feeding the ducks dog food more often, get more oyster shells, and feed them yogurt and cottage cheese. I guess my reason for posting this is for advice.. or experience? Could the pool have made the egg soft if it sat in it long enough? It was just the membrane, no hard shell. Thanks in advance!
My pekin has just started to lay (5 months) and we've had a few soft shells. Have started on oyster shells and seems to have helped. I'm pretty sure the soft shell is a sign of a new layer and/or need of oyster shells. However, I have 4 other hens that have layed hard shells with no softies.
We are definitely going to add more calcium supplements to their diet and take spinach off the menu

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