Soft-shelled eggs, and now a double-yolker. Is this normal?


May 7, 2022
Central TX
So, I have this Swedish Blue duck that I took in about two weeks ago. She’s around 10 months old, so this is her first time laying. Every single egg she’s laid so far has been small and soft shelled, right up until today where I found a huge, hard, double yolker. I’m confident it’s her egg and not my other female’s.

I know first-time layers are more likely to lay soft-shelled and double-yolked eggs, but I still want to check if this is normal? My other female’s the same age, and she’s been laying very nice eggs. They both eat Purina’s duck feed, added egg shell, and whatever else they can find while free-ranging.

Is there anything I can do to get her laying normally, or will it just subside on it’s own?
Are you giving your new girl eggshells everyday? Like putting out oyster shells I see my females eating it daily when laying, matter of fact even when they aren't laying they eat it to help build back up the calcium they have lost from laying. I'd offer oyster shells on the side not in their feed they know what they need and will eat it as they need it. See if that makes a difference.
Are you giving your new girl eggshells everyday? Like putting out oyster shells I see my females eating it daily when laying, matter of fact even when they aren't laying they eat it to help build back up the calcium they have lost from laying. I'd offer oyster shells on the side not in their feed they know what they need and will eat it as they need it. See if that makes a difference.
Yes, I’ve been giving eggshell every day, but I usually mix it into the feed, not on the side. I’ll try oyster shell on the side and see if it helps. Thank you!
So, they’ve had oyster shell on the side for about 2 weeks now. My other girl (Caramel) is still laying just fine, and I see her eat the oyster shell every day or so.
I thought my soft-shelled girl (Pitaya) had stopped laying, but I was suspicious, so I had everyone stay up near the coop today, and Pitaya laid a regular-sized, soft-shelled egg a few hours ago.
The oyster shell is pretty close to their food bowl, and I’ve seen Pitaya eat it before, though maybe not as much as Caramel does. Does this take awhile to work, or could it be something else?
I've been having a similar problem with my Pekin ducks and not noticed a difference between adding calcium to the feed or as a side dish. I've also tried duck and flock raiser feed. I do know you want to be careful with how much calcium you add directly to their feed as it can damage their kidneys if they have too much when not needed.
Please keep me posted if you find a solution!
Please keep me posted if you find a solution!
My solution ended up being to wait 😅

My Swedish started laying completely normal eggs about a month after I made this post. The only thing I changed was adding the oyster shell on the side, plus throwing back in any egg shells I get when I cook their eggs.

I’ve read that egg troubles can also commonly be from a Vitamin D deficiency, which usually happens from lack-of-sunlight, and that giving a calcium citrate + D3 tablet once a day for a few weeks can help.

If your girls are still young, though, you may just have to wait like I did.

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