Solo bantam cockerel


Apr 29, 2023
Sylvania, GA
Multi-question question. So, I lost my bantam pullet. Very sad. I still have my bantam cockerel and he is my only bantam amongst 8 full sized birds. He is a Porcelain d'uccle and he is just starting to get his beard and is so freaking adorable:love!

But, I digress. My question(s) are, how much crap do you think he is gonna catch from the full sized rooster. Also, do you think he will be happier if I attempt to find him some bantam ladies? If not, will I end up with some interesting chicks down the line, like when you cross a lab and a chihuahua:idunno

I already have 2 full size cockerels and know 1 will have to go. I only have 6 ladies. I want to keep the bantam cockerel as well, so there will need to be more ladies at some point regardless.
Tell me your thoughts...
It really does depend on a few factors how well your bantams is going to do with your LF cockerel. We're they raised together? What breed is the LF cockerel, how much space do they have, etc. Of course he's going to be happier with a flock of his own, but that doesn't mean that he won't survive this flock. Getting more pullets/hens is your top priority right now. Then, if you see that they don't get along, separate them into two flocks or give one cockerel away
how much crap do you think he is gonna catch from the full sized rooster.
The way I understand it they are both cockerels so they will determine who is the boss as they mature. The more room they have the better. And it greatly depends on the personalities of the two boys. This can vary tremendously and depends on the personality of the bantam as much as the full sized male. Basically there is no way to know ahead of time. Sometimes it works out great, sometimes one winds up dead or severely injured

will I end up with some interesting chicks down the line, like when you cross a lab and a chihuahua
It is certainly possible. Never underestimate the power of life. Same is true with the full sized male and the bantam girls.

do you think he will be happier if I attempt to find him some bantam ladies? I want to keep the bantam cockerel as well, so there will need to be more ladies at some point regardless.
Tell me your thoughts...
Some people think a rooster cares about breed, color, or size when it comes to mating a hen. I don't. I also don't think a hen cares either. If they are raised together chickens tend to form a clique and hang together, even when they are fully integrated. If you are going to get rid of one of the other cockerels I'd get rid of him sooner rather than later, as soon as you decide which one to keep. Since the D'Uccle and the other are still immature cockerels you are likely to see some determining of dominance (that means fighting) so get rid of one of those bigger cockerels now. It might save you some grief down the road but maybe not.

Get the females you plan to get and when you can, house them with that bantam so maybe they will form a clique. If you are going to do this kind of stuff get it over with. Pay attention and be prepared to separate one or some of them immediately. When bad stuff happens it often happens quickly.
Thanks yall. Currently we have a 6'Wx6'L coop and a 6'Wx30'L attached run. My full sized cockerels are a RIR and a Production Red who are about 2-3wks older than my bantam cockerel. The 2 big boys tend to puff up to each other a lot, but treat my little guy more like they do the girls (4 Comets, 2 Gld Wyandotte). I unfortunately can't free range so I want to keep my flock size reasonably small due to coop and run size.

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