Some Good in The World


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9 Years
May 9, 2010
Egglanta, GA
Women were given voting rights in Saudi Arabia! That's a step forward. Plus bullfighting ended in Barcelona! Just thought I'd share, made me happy.
Did bull fighting really end? I knew bull fighting was seasonal for about a month a two but that is just a shame. Did you know that the bulls killed in it were donated to shelters to feed the needy?
Here's a little story about something that happened here a year ago. Was just on the news for 1 yr. annversery..

A man worked hard all his life. Gave everything he could to less forutante. Was a roofer, put roof's on peoples houses often times loseing money, but familes needed it. Open is house up to familes, to plant their own garden, cause some people don't have the land. Anything he could see, he would do to help people. He got cancer, bad, not cureable

Not enough money to buy hospital bed new, starting looking around.. Found a young lad, selling a used hopital bed for farely cheap, about an hours away.. He and his wife went to look at it, Was so happy to be able to buy it, and said they would get someone to get it tomorow.. Young man was a roofer.. Looked at him and said, "Sir I betcha you would like to sleep on this tonight." I will load it in my truck, and set it up at your house, tonight you will sleep on it.

He brought it to the house, set it up.. And when the older man try to pay him.. The young lad said no, he didn't want any money. He's just happy they can use it
Brought tears to my eyes!!!

After the young man left, the older man looked at His wife and said, "People are good" So I will always remeber "people are good"

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