Someone help! I don’t know what I’m doing!

And once they are hatched you will not be able to just take them back where they found them and let them go. There is no mama to teach them how to survive you will be giving them a death sentence. A wild life or water fowl rehabber will be the best out come for these duckling or what ever is in these eggs.
Please specify where you are located just state or country is all we want to know and maybe we can help figure out what might be in the eggs along with pictures.
That would be best but the parent bird will have already come back and found that her eggs are gone so she will have left or started a new nest (they found the eggs last night as said above) definitely best but to late now
This is not necessarily true. I live on a River and often I see eggs nested in the bank. If I can see it, I back away and stay away! I sure don't just take the eggs. This is incredibly unfortunate to mess with a natural process. The best thing you can do is waste no more time and put them back. Parents leave nests and come back, it's normal. If you're concerned that they won't come back, try putting a game cam somewhere around the nest, but not right on it. Ugh. This just makes me so sad as I see eggs so often and then later they're cracked and new life is somewhere, it didn't need me to help it along.
This is not necessarily true. I live on a River and often I see eggs nested in the bank. If I can see it, I back away and stay away! I sure don't just take the eggs. This is incredibly unfortunate to mess with a natural process. The best thing you can do is waste no more time and put them back. Parents leave nests and come back, it's normal. If you're concerned that they won't come back, try putting a game cam somewhere around the nest, but not right on it. Ugh. This just makes me so sad as I see eggs so often and then later they're cracked and new life is somewhere, it didn't need me to help it along.
I understand and completely agree
But I just don't think that the parents will come back after such a long duration, i mean I am not saying that they 100 percent won't come back but I just think that by now they won't
I understand and completely agree
But I just don't think that the parents will come back after such a long duration, i mean I am not saying that they 100 percent won't come back but I just think that by now they won't
You said that the eggs were taken last night so it's not even 24hours yet I assume. It's well worth a try even if you split the difference ?? As a compromise to your concern, put some back and keep some? I'm not going to argue with you but you shoudl really call your local wildlife, fish and game department and ask them what to do. I can tell you that they will tell you to put them back.
You said that the eggs were taken last night so it's not even 24hours yet I assume. It's well worth a try even if you split the difference ?? As a compromise to your concern, put some back and keep some? I'm not going to argue with you but you shoudl really call your local wildlife, fish and game department and ask them what to do. I can tell you that they will tell you to put them back.
Just thought I would say I am not the person who made the thread (I can see why you would think that)
The person that made that made the post has not said anything since they made the post
Just thought I would say I am not the person who made the thread (I can see why you would think that)
The person that made that made the post has not said anything since they made the post
Oh I do apologize for directing it to you. :oops: This subject just has me upset. I just saw and(from far away) took pictures of some Goose eggs on the river bank at my house. They are out there "all alone," but it's just so special to me that the Geese feel like it's a safe place here. It's so easy to just walk away and NOT rob eggs from a nest. I'll shake it, but yeah it ruffled my feathers, I'm not perfect. Thanks so much for being calm and courteous :)
Oh I do apologize for directing it to you. :oops: This subject just has me upset. I just saw and(from far away) took pictures of some Goose eggs on the river bank at my house. They are out there "all alone," but it's just so special to me that the Geese feel like it's a safe place here. It's so easy to just walk away and NOT rob eggs from a nest. I'll shake it, but yeah it ruffled my feathers, I'm not perfect. Thanks so much for being calm and courteous :)
It is okay nobody's perfect :hugs I have the same feeling
And cool you saw some goose eggs
I live on a farm here in England and we have a pond with a little island in the middle that a family of Mallard ducks come and nest on every spring and it is so cool to see them with their babys swimming in the water we also have some moorhens that nest their too we keep it wild down their and loads of wild animals live down their, we have loads of deer too
I love to see wildlife thriving
A few days to a week ago I believe, I posted a thread abt how I wasn’t too sure how to continue while waiting for eggs my family found to hatch, I haven’t been able to respond, I’ve been very occupied with well, I’m sure you can guess but I do have an update. I wanted to reply to that thread but it said it’s not open for any more replies (idk why tho cuz i haven’t used this web at all before.) So I talked to my family to ask where they got it and they said they were going home and there was a chicken sitting at their front door and wasn’t moving so they tried to chase it away to get in the house and it ran away. That’s when they noticed it was actually sitting on the eggs. Now I still don’t understand why they did this but the first time I heard the story (from my cousin) she said the chicken booked it and ran out of sight so her dad told her to grab the eggs in hopes to eat them. Now when I heard the story form the dad, he said the hen was actually FIGHTING BACK AND THEY STILL TRIED TO TAKE THEM. My family is incredibly stupid and that was very cruel of them to do, yes I am aware and I am ALWAYS embarrassed to be related to them (they’re always making dumb decisions for any situation.) Now on terms of laws, I’ve found no laws that has been or is currently being broken for where I am located. Now on the updates for the eggs. 6/8 have hatched successfully! I was worried abt the last two and wondered what I did wrong but I later found out from my cousins dad, that when they got the eggs, they actually put them in water or smthg and two reacted differently? It was either two floated or two sank, I can’t remember what. But I used that to conclude that they probably weren’t alive from that point. I’m currently caring for them with the help from my dad who claims to have cared for chickens when he was younger. I taught them how to eat and drink the food and water I give the, and I went ahead and brought them to a compost thingy filled with soil that I have in my yard, swooshed the dirt around a bit, put them in and they learned how to eat bugs they see crawling around. They were honestly so cute. I gave them all cute names but I feel like it would be irresponsible for me to take in 6 chickens and care for them without any experience. It is possible considering the amount of research I have been doing lately but let’s all be honest here, a rookie with SIX? That could be a lot for someone who only “knows” what they’re doing from online resources. I would be ok with keeping one or two but for the rest I think it’s smart to give them to people with more experience. Keep in mind chickens are very common from where I’m from. You see them everywhere and the law says anyone can own them as pets. Anyways thank you for all of your inputs, enjoys these!!


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I would be ok with keeping one or two
Nope. Chickens belong in a flock, not as a pet.

Either build a coop and run and keep all of them or rehome all of them.

You need to get a bag of chick starter crumble to feed them and get them a chick safe waterer.

They also need a heat source to stay warm under. You can either get a brooder plate, fashion a momma heating pad or use a heat lamp that is very well secured. I would use a ceramic heat bulb in it that does not emit light.

If you cannot keep all of them, you can post an ad for them in your local FB Poultry group and someone should be willing to adopt them.

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