Something fishy going on!


12 Years
Apr 30, 2007
North Carolina
As I went to feed my African Cichlids this afternoon, I noticed something a bit fishy going on near the bottom of the tank. Taking a closer look, I found that I have babies!! There are at the very least 5 and they are definitely not newborn. The fishy part is that I have all different breeds and didn't notice any breeding behaviour going on. It's SO hard to get fish to breed when you want them to, yet I'm oblivious to it all and end up with cute little babies!

They're pale with darker stripes, just like my Bumblebee Cichlid. She has been acting funny lately, but I assumed she was just possibly getting picked on. I have no idea who she would have bred with, but am thinking possibly the Electric Blue.

I can't believe I hadn't noticed them until today. All of my varities are mouth breeders, but these have been out of the mouth at least a few days. They're going crazy, darting in and out of the giant Parthenon and aqueduct statues I have in there. None of the big fish seem to be interested, but the babies blend in pretty well and stay close to their hiding places.

Crazy fish! I think they're irritated that I'm spending so much time with the chicks so they decided to grab my attention
That's so neat, congrats!

I've had goldfish in my pond off-and-on for the past few years, and last year I had some that were breeding -it was the funniest thing, I couldn't figure out why they were thrashing through the plants so much. I had to go online to figure it out.
They did manage to have some tiny babies, but unfortunately everything in the pond got cooked -literally- when we had that bad heatwave last summer. I got some more just the other week, and now that there's more shade I'm hoping they'll be happy and multiply.

Congrats again! And hey, where's the pics?
We bought this little place ( 5 acres) just about 2 years ago. There is a small pond on the property...more like a puddle. ( 30 x 80 but only about 4 ft deep) I had 7 I threw them in, and literally forgot about it. Well....I was out there this spring...and could count at least 75!! WOW they breed fast!
I couldn't figure out why they were thrashing through the plants so much.

I know what you mean! lol. Mine did the same thing, but I realised it pretty quick, and boy was I excited!

We had Cichlids but they never did breed, they are amazing fish though. I hope to get more soon. That is really cool, Suprises are always fun! Agreed, when do we see pics???

I would love to see your tank set up too! I have a 150 gallon tank but its being used for Bearded Dragons. Its a Herp Tank so I cant ever use it for a fish tank, but it sure would be nice!
I'll post pics as soon as I can. Everytime I take my camera over to snap a few, they've all decided to hide.

Right now, I've just got a 50 gal. Had a beautiful 150 that got busted in shipping when I moved and have just not been able to buy another of that size. Just restarted with fish recently and only a few...maybe 9 months or so ago. I'm hoping to expand, but need to recover from the recent chicken-related spending first!

Cichlids are amazing and this is the first time I've had African. I always kept S. American before. I love cichlids because they are so active and I enjoy watching their colours coming out.

Will get pics up soon hopefully!
my african cichlids wont stop breeding its getting rediculous i have atleast 20 babies at the bottom of my who are a hybrids.hers a pic of the first african i ever got.who is the father of over 200 babies through about 4 years!:eek: sry bout the huge pics this one wont resize!
I have the same fish! My second largest, following the Giraffe cichlid who is getting ridiculously huge.

My fish are named after the Sopranos and he was named after the character portrayed by Vincent Pastore. (The character name isn't quite appropriate for a family forum!) He's gigantic, but a huge baby.

Tried getting some pics of the babies tonight...none came out so great, but I'll see what I can do with the photo editor.

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