Something in my attic making noises....It's a Nest of Squirrels!


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
And I don't want to open the hatch to see what it is......
It was this morning so it wouldn't be a nocturnal animal???
Raccoon???? I hope not, the coop's not far from the roof line. I hope there isn't a family thinking they have KFC right next door.
Although my girls are safe, I don't like this one bit.
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It could be anything really and since your attic is probably dark it could roam around up their all the time. some common attic invaders include. Squirels, racoons, rat's, birds, snakes to name a few.
I had mysterious noises coming from the attic too. I thought it was squirrels or raccoons but it turned out to be roof coyotes.
Yeah, I know. It sounded pretty loud and heavy, and I think those noises always sound louder in the attic
I'll look in the morning tomorrow, see what's going on there. Otherwise I'm calling Critter Ritter What do they do with the critters????

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