Something is eating eggs


In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2021
Something is eating my eggs and it's SO frustrating. I came out today because a commotion and it's like I just missed whatever it was. The chickens and goats are still stirred up and a little hen that was sitting on eggs only has one left. There were egg shells on the ground that were just emptied, still warm from the hen sitting on them. Whatever it is, it's been doing it for months, in broad daylight and it only eats eggs that are close to hatching. Then hen that just started sitting right NEXT to the nest that was raided, it wasn't touched at all. It's also been eating chicks. Had a chicken hatch nine and she is left with two. I'm gonna set up a camera I just want to know what you guys think it is.
Something is eating my eggs and it's SO frustrating. I came out today because a commotion and it's like I just missed whatever it was. The chickens and goats are still stirred up and a little hen that was sitting on eggs only has one left. There were egg shells on the ground that were just emptied, still warm from the hen sitting on them. Whatever it is, it's been doing it for months, in broad daylight and it only eats eggs that are close to hatching. Then hen that just started sitting right NEXT to the nest that was raided, it wasn't touched at all. It's also been eating chicks. Had a chicken hatch nine and she is left with two. I'm gonna set up a camera I just want to know what you guys think it is.
Just candled the only egg it left, of course it wasn't fertilized. It's like it can tell
Can you rule the goat out based on if he has access? I would think the goat would swallow the shells whole.

Dogs, cats, rats usually strike at night where I live, not during the day. Other birds like crows or gulls? Foxes or squirrels?

Eating eggs out from under the chicken is always so frustrating. Any way you can put a protective screen around her nest?
Chickens will also eat eggs, I have a couple egg eaters but they have never ate one right out from under a chicken and usually it's only 1 to 2 a day. I love my chickens so I put up with it I get plenty of eggs anyway. Rats will also eat eggs, I really do not think its a cat, I have 5 cats and they pay my chickens no mind, some of my chickens have actually chased my cats. If it was a major predator your chicken would be dead or scarred off the nest never to return. My money is on the chickens.

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