Something wrong with my duck’s eye !!!


5 Years
Apr 3, 2017
Maine, USA
Hi everyone, I came home from work today to find that my duck has been a little wonky all day (my family told me she was “acting dizzy”), so I went to check on her and noticed something wrong with her left eye. I don’t know if it’s a disease or if she got poked or what, I’ve never seen anything like it. She’s eating and doesn’t seem lethargic, I think she’s wobbly because she’s having problems seeing out of her eye, but I don’t know. PLEASE HELP !

This last picture is her other eye, which is completely fine
Not an expert. Just looking at it, possibly there is a swelling from an injury or an internal growth pushing the upper lid up and away from her eyeball... It looks clean, but is there any discharge? Does it seem swollen like there's a knot above her eye? It might also help to get a video of her "dizzy" behavior.

Hang in there, the experts will arrive soon! Best wishes for her speedy recovery!
I'm of the same mind as @CoopBoots. Something is causing inflammation of the tissue surrounding the eye socket, either an injury or bacteria or both. And her behavior is probably from pain, since eye issues can hurt like the Dickens.

First aid consists of flushing the eye generously with saline and using an eye antibiotic such as Terramycin.

What could really give her relief and speed healing is an ocular steroid. If you have any elderly relatives or friends that have had cataract surgery and have any leftover meds, they can all be used on this duck's eye, (antibiotic, anti-inflamatory and a steroid) and the steroid drops will make the most difference, causing inflammation to go down almost immediately, solving the pain and discomfort issue quickly.
Not an expert. Just looking at it, possibly there is a swelling from an injury or an internal growth pushing the upper lid up and away from her eyeball... It looks clean, but is there any discharge? Does it seem swollen like there's a knot above her eye? It might also help to get a video of her "dizzy" behavior.

Hang in there, the experts will arrive soon! Best wishes for her speedy recovery!
Thanks for your input! I was thinking something similar; it seems as if she got poked by something. There’s no discharge or anything, it’s very clean and there’s no bleeding
I'm of the same mind as @CoopBoots. Something is causing inflammation of the tissue surrounding the eye socket, either an injury or bacteria or both. And her behavior is probably from pain, since eye issues can hurt like the Dickens.

First aid consists of flushing the eye generously with saline and using an eye antibiotic such as Terramycin.

What could really give her relief and speed healing is an ocular steroid. If you have any elderly relatives or friends that have had cataract surgery and have any leftover meds, they can all be used on this duck's eye, (antibiotic, anti-inflamatory and a steroid) and the steroid drops will make the most difference, causing inflammation to go down almost immediately, solving the pain and discomfort issue quickly.
Alright; thank you 🙏
I agree, it's probably injury.
I'm not a photo guru, but messed with some shadows and contrasts.
Looks like she's got a cut? Take a close look when you rinse with saline and apply the ointment in the eye to make sure there's not something like a stick/piece of debris etc. stuck in there.

Hope she heals quickly.


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