Songs We Like

Only this one By them. You can see the song titles. They are viewable on Youtube if you search by name. This is a snip pix from my media player.

I actually never heard of them before I ran across this CD (preowned @ $1)
It came to mind because over the weekend, we watched Cheech & Chong's movie, Up in Smoke. Every now and again I need a Comedy that is FUNNY,,,,, :thumbsup Don't watch much TV anyways.
I refuse to watch shows with a LAUGH BOX,
I actually never heard of them before I ran across this CD (preowned @ $1)
Don't you just love it when you make a "discovery" that you like? That's why I love this thread, all of the reminders about the songs I already know and love, but also getting to hear about artists who have never crossed my orbit.
Seeing O fortuna on the song list reminded me of this Aussie television commercial.
Moving from the classical, my guitar teacher's been torturing me with the riff from this.
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