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Oh god, I can't stand that one. Some of his others are bearable, but not that one
He was soooooooooooo young when it was released lmaoooo I think 15. It was a month or two before his 16th birthday I read. But I read he was 13 or younger when he recorded it. It was just released later. Idk if that part is true or not.
Very interesting fact. I need to collect lots of useless facts about bass players so I can pass them on to other bass players.😁
Someone from my team told me that. He’s big into music lol our first meeting was mostly talking about music 🤣🥰 and do you play bass!? I’ve always wanted to play an instrument but I am not musically inclined whatsoever lol
Someone from my team told me that. He’s big into music lol our first meeting was mostly talking about music 🤣🥰 and do you play bass!? I’ve always wanted to play an instrument but I am not musically inclined whatsoever lol
Yes, I do. We discussed it a good bit on Isa’s thread probably a year ago. She plays piano.

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