Sour crop low stress treatment


Dec 4, 2020
My hen has shown signs of sour crop. I chose to treat her a little unconventional. I made some yogurt in my instant pot . I mixed the yogurt with a good helping of ACV with the “mother” (purchased at Dollar Tree...who knew!) and lightly cooked some scrambled eggs in a good dose of olive oil, added a raw egg after it cooled, added some more olive oil into the bowl. I cut up a monistat suppository and had 1/3 chunk of it in my hand. My hen came to gobble the yogurt and eggs, so when she was done I tossed the piece of monistat on the ground when nobody else was looking and she gobbled it up. I did this routine 3 days in a row, twice a day. She seems fine now. I figured this was the least stressful for both of us.
That's great you helped your chicken!
I have never had sour crop, but my hens have had a few impacted crops. All of which I successfully treated (thankfully).
I would syringe feed the hens, with the impacted crop, olive oil/yogurt/water three times a day. This would cause their crops to fill up with water and such, and let the impacted materials 'slip' into their digestive track. I usually repeated this treatment 1-3 days, depending on how bad the impaction was.
Thank you to both of you for sharing these stress free methods! And blessings to you for helping your chooks! This thread should be upvoted.

I have had crop issues with one of my hens, Dolores, for 5 days now and feel so bad for trying to shove things down her throat. She is weak and looking really sad and I thought of giving her raw egg for nutrition and an energy boost because she's starving - but everywhere it says to take food away. So perhaps raw egg - with the added benefit of the slimyness may help her digest what's in her crop. Hopeful.
Thank you to both of you for sharing these stress free methods! And blessings to you for helping your chooks! This thread should be upvoted.

I have had crop issues with one of my hens, Dolores, for 5 days now and feel so bad for trying to shove things down her throat. She is weak and looking really sad and I thought of giving her raw egg for nutrition and an energy boost because she's starving - but everywhere it says to take food away. So perhaps raw egg - with the added benefit of the slimyness may help her digest what's in her crop. Hopeful.
Am I right in my thinking or not..?

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