Sour crop?

Im Barred up

In the Brooder
7 Years
May 6, 2012
New Brunswick
I have a hen who was lethargic and puffed up like she was cold the other day on the roost, so I brought her in. After research, and checking her over I thought I had a diagnosis of Sour Crop. After 2 days inside with probiotic yogurt, and ACV water I woke up this morning to a small hard crop instead of a water balloon crop. I figured this must be a blockage and went with olive oil and massaged her crop before giving her water and boiled egg. I haven't been able to get her to eat anything but she will drink as much water as you give her and is always thirsty for more. Her crop is back water ballooney, but probably of course from all the water. She also has diarrhea which is pure stinky water. Will the yeast in sour crop make the poo smell yeasty? I don't know what yeast infection smells like, but it is a weird putrid smell that she has. Should I continue the probiotic regimen as I have been doing or does this sound like something else? My other 9 hens seem to be fine. She seems alert and good color in eyes and crop, but just wont eat anything solid. Thanks
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I read on a other thread to give her 1/3 of a Monistat suppository. (I know it's not the best idea but worth a try as this is 3 days of not eating). This morning her crop was extremely hard and definitely felt impacted. I gave her a good massage and seemed to rub the majority of the glob downward. Guess now I just wait and see of she can pass something....

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