South Carolina

Jack here are some recent pics of your light sussex chicks. Do you have any of my BLRW?

boy they are pretty. can not wait to get them. are they 2 roosters or can you tell.

i can not seem to down load my camera to the computer.. but i can tell you that they will be real nice. do you want blues or splash color.
1 just had 3 blrw hens came off the nest with16 blrw chicks. and i have some older. i will see you at the meet

At first i thought it was 1 pullet & 1 roo, but now I've been paying extra attn to them, I think its 2 roos...but you know as well as I do, at that age it's VERY hard to tell. I will take the splash!!
it makes no never mind to me. i need 1 rooster anyhow. it looks like everyone likes the splash.still you can pick the ones you like.

how did the speckeld rooster turn out
My RIR brrody, she originally hatched out 5 EE, but the longer she stayed broody after that initial hatch it was like she started getting careless, becuase she broke all 5 eggs that were left over a period of a few days. Ans now, she is not broody and back to "normal." Maybe yours is slowly snapping out of it too??

She may be starting to snap out of it. I lost 5 eggs to a snake (I think). There was no evidence of eggs, blood, shells, I think thats what got those. This is the only egg that I've found smushed. I'm sooo hoping she can just stick it out til friday! They're due to hatch friday-saturday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
My RIR brrody, she originally hatched out 5 EE, but the longer she stayed broody after that initial hatch it was like she started getting careless, becuase she broke all 5 eggs that were left over a period of a few days. Ans now, she is not broody and back to "normal." Maybe yours is slowly snapping out of it too??

She may be starting to snap out of it. I lost 5 eggs to a snake (I think). There was no evidence of eggs, blood, shells, I think thats what got those. This is the only egg that I've found smushed. I'm sooo hoping she can just stick it out til friday! They're due to hatch friday-saturday so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

me too
Okay. Sounds great! He's great. Friendly, and already trying to get his ladies (who are a month older than him) in check. They rebelled at first but now I think they are "bowing down." I recently purchased a 1 yr old SS hen to go with them to give me a quad. SO hopefully I will have some eggs out of the younger 2 shortly and the rooster to get his business done.
Red Bug...... I wish you lived closer too. I would love to get some of your eggs to incubate. I work at a preschool and we incubate eggs for the kids to watch. I was going to get some from Joycats but we never got together. I need to contact her again. The children really love coming into the office and watching the babies.

Ready for this heat to be gone!!! Come on September!!!
I posted on here...maybe you missed it. He turned out beautiful. I gave him to a friend from school who has 3 children and they are just getting into chickens. Her son wants to maybe do some 4H shows. I think I have your phone number somewhere...I can text you a picture of him. I have never posted pictures on I am not even sure I could
. He was very sweet.....thank you for sharing....

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