South Carolina

Does anyone ever use Ivemic for internal worms in your chickens? I read a thread were just putting it under the wing would remove all internal worms too. What are peoples experiences? Thoughts?
I finally snapped a few pictures of my Lav Ameraucanas. The cool weather was so awesome today and all the chickens were out enjoying it! I'm really pleased with how they look. I have 2 lav cockerals and 6 lav pullets. I don't think I need the black splits! Should be getting all lavs once they start to lay. The good news is that a few were checking out the nest boxes today. They are just over 24 weeks so it's time ladies!


Okay SC friends: I have a hen that is slowly walking around with her tail down and then sitting on the ground. Any ideas? Nothing hanging wounds....she looks ok other than her tail being down. Thanks in advance for the advise...Tink
We did tesselations in my Elementary Edu math class and this is what I made:


I started it with the goal of it looking like chickens
I love when we get to do fun stuff in class!
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Hi everyone. Well I have some egg-citing news to share.

1st the bad. I got some fertalized eggs for my little broody bantam to have. She sat on them for a day, then changes nests. Put them back under her, and she changed again. Silly little girl. Wants the rewards but none of the work. She insists on sitting in an empty nest. Crazy thing!!!

now the good news. Came home from work in a not so good mood. The little kiddo's were not so great today. Was ready to just go to bed. Went to let the girls out and boom there it (they) were. 2 more of my girls started laying today. yippeeeee
to make it even better, they were my 2 EE girls. So I got my 1st greenish, and 1st blue green egg today. I am so happy.
isn't it great that the gals knew that I was in a bad mood and they cheered me up. I just love them to death.

Now here is a question. When I was putting them to bed, 1 of my BR's was standing by the door and had a slimy looking thing coming from her bum. She is at the POL so is that just egg laying stuff or is something wrong? She never layed and egg, or at least not yet. I will check again in a little while. Do I need to be concerned.
I've used Ivermectin. Is that the same thing? Just put it on their neck. Seemed to work but you can't eat the eggs for two weeks.

Humm, yes it is the same--I think I was just misspelling it!!
How many drops do you put on them? Plus, bantams verse standards?
Tink, I have been seeing similar in some of my polish with cocci. Worms would probably do the same if they were bad enough. How old is your bird? I have hens 24 and 25 weeks still having this problem in one of my pens. If it is an older bird it could be worms, if younger probably cocci.

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