South Carolina

And I just stood there and talked to her yesterday!!
Check with Mary (the bee lady) about the orpingtons. I am pretty sure she has Blues. Or did have :)
Who doesn't love batorvision?
Since last night I have had Marans hatching out with 2 Olive Eggers (light egg on the left front and one on the back row) and bantam Cochin. Every Marans egg I set developed and I now only have 2 left that haven't hatched since I took this photo about 2 hours ago.
My incubator is now full but Debra brought me eggs to set and I have some BLRW for Blueberry Hill going plus all the Lavender Muscovy and Runner eggs that are laid.

Yes, the hatcher looks dirty but it has been running almost non stop for over 2 years and gets cleaned only about twice a month. Styrofoam is not easy to keep clean with as many hatches as I do. Oxine can only do so much.
And yes, I open it and pull out egg shells as they hatch. They just keep hatching right along.

Addictive? Naaaaahhhhhh........

OK Just Candled eggs out of 15 ..12 looked to have something inside them, and 3 clear. I left all in there since they are only 7 days in. I didn't see veins(?) but I saw darkness on the sidenext to the air sac. Is this correct or are they not right????

OK hatching Eggs is far worse than raising chicks....Bless that Poor Hens Heart for doing this.....

I seldom candle before day 18 because I have too much going on but I sometimes do and enjoy watching the little blob wave at me. I do not notice what day it is when I see what and only discard if they have a blood ring or some nasty going on.
Give them another 4-5 days and see what you think.
ive lost both of my lavender Orps. one with in the week i bought them. and the other yesterday. I think it had to do with the guy i bought them from because they never seemed to be heavy as my Buff Orp.
Sounds like everyone had fun yesterday! Those Orpingtons are gorgeous. I would love to get some gold laced myself but they are hard to come by. So at this point I will settle for buffs.

While y'all were having fun I was installing Operation D(efense)

Pic 1: the trench I dug. Pic 2: The chicken wire. Actually 2 layers. one layer is buried under the visible one that you see here and the wire is cut on the edge at the fence line so that if that stupid dog tries to dig under again he will be poked. and pic 3 is when it is completed. all smoothed over and nice.

and below you see my catahoula, Rebel, keeping an eye on the chickens and the sky. All she does is herd those chickens all day long. And then Rebel and my pitt bull mix Hailey laying pretty for the camera. Good Dogs!

Happy Sunday everyone!


That should keep those pesky, dogs out of your yard.

Your dogs are gorgeous!
Tomorrow will be day 21. They typically hatch on the same day as you set them (Sunday for you). With a few exceptions, millies always hatch at day 19 for me and marans usually go to day 22. Hang in there til tomorrow. But it might be night before you see anything since you set them at night. Did you stop turning them on Thursday?

See...I felt I was a day off...I actually removed turners and loaded water for lockdown Wednesday night! I hope I haven't messed up the hatch. As of right now I have 6 pipped in a bator with 25 eggs and zero pipped in other bator with 27 eggs in there.
Thanks for helping me count! I will remember the part about they usually pip the same day they were set...depending on breed of course...LOL

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