South Carolina

I do the FB page but when the other place had a FB page I was turned off by some things...and they are having tons of trouble...I will still use it some but I LOVE BYC and the FB page for South Carolina!!

Just my 2 cents though!! I do LOVE all my peeps on here !! And my first Auction was after the change so I have nothing to compare to!! We all have our prefs though and that is what makes us who we are...and I like who we all are!!

HEY that trouble got fixed really quick.......... :p Let's just say..........yeah it had to be redone due to what did not work.
OK Here Are The Cuties!!!!! I'll try not to post to many pics, but I'm so excited they are FINALLY here!!!
A Box of Fuzzy Babies...Notice alot are black and Most are Blue...But one is Brown with a Gray back...Gotta Love the Mutts!!

This one is Lemon and Baby Blue...Thinking part Orp? or EE?

BlkJGxBlueJG baby? I have two like this.

This is my Runt Blue EE...It's feathers are going ALL kinds of ways. But it eats and drinks and plays and sleeps!

another shot of my little runt!

Pretty sure this is a BlkEE Odd buff spot on it's right side of it's head. Not sure cause of it's leg color.

Here's the Chick with the brown head and gray/blue body..Orp?

Solid Black Chick....Guess BlkJG or EE?

OK so here's some of my new babies. If you wanna help with who the momma is Please Feel Free... Daddy is a Blue JG...oh and I'm prettty sure no one has a Barred Rock momma(cause no one has a spot on the back of their head) so it's BO, EE, or BlkJG. OH and I put 6 EE eggs in the bator and all 6 hatched.

Yancy, congrats on the beautiful chicks! I miss so much when I am away for this thread! I really love the little runt.
yippiechickie.gif sweet they look! Glad you got to meet of these days I will get to meet you both!!! you still have polish? I have a pair and have been watching for an opportunity to get him another girlfriend! I only have WCB Polish but would love to get some opinions on the best way to diversify! These are so sweet and docile! I put my young hatches in with Polish and the Polish keep them so calm!!! I love the Polish!!! They are a little flighty when I go in but after all...they can't really see around that head hair!!! LOL If I go really slow and kneel down and call them by name they come right up to me and love me to stroke them!

Whew! What an awesome day! I so loved going with my good buds, Kimberly and Jackie! I really enjoyed talking with Mary, Samantha and Nikki! And I enjoyed meeting Walt and some others for the first time. I am sorry, Walt, that I did not get a photo with you. Too much going on to get it all done!

Above are my sweet friends, Mary, Jackie and Kimberly! I'm the one with the goofy look. I was drunk on too much fun!

Here is Samantha, the next best mouth of the south! We are certainly very much alike! Love my Sam Bam!

And sweet Nikki! You would never guess that she was trying to keep up with 2 little boys that have more energy than a bunch of puppies! And Nikki, I am sorry you did not get one those great pups! They were awesome! Maybe soon.......

Had a blast with everyone. Picked up some terrific birds and now have a tons to do to catch up on the farm.

It looks like you guys had a good day! I am still trying to catch up with all the happenings of the last few day....I miss so much!
I didn't even have to help :) I could not have gotten it up anyway with my wrist & elbow being a pain.

Todd did it for me :) threw out the splintered wood. I wanted to show you my splash marans & blr hen......she is lite.....i think you call splash?

I so want to steal your splash Marans hen! I love her. She would make some beautiful blue babies with the black copper Marans roo I have. Though I keep saying I will sell him. He is really too nice for a stew pot and beats most any bird I see being shown but I suppose I am partial to those particular bloodlines.

Your BLRW hen is lovely, too. Yes, she looks splash.

Glad Todd got that pen done. The birds looked funny in there going "The sky really is falling!" LOL
I have a question about raising chicks...I have chicks in varying ages but the older and middle ones are wasting a LOT of chick crumble feed...I really need to get a grip on this...I have 10-12 week olds and 4-6 week olds all still on chick starter crumbles...they flick/scratch/waste so much! I have tried different feeder containers but even the 2-4 week olds inside in bins waste a lot of food...question what age do you change them from chick starter crumbles?...and what do you graduate them to? and what do you find to be the best feeder for the older chicks but also to minimize the waste? or...any other suggestions? I even have drawers/pans to catch some waste and sift and re-feed (YUCK!!! I just don't think that is healthy but when 16 chicks go thru 30 lbs in one week ya gotta do something!!!)

Patsy, I have been doing several different things with my chicks. One, which is time consuming is grind the feed a little smaller. They seem to eat it better. I also mix boiled eggs in about every other to every third day and they don't seem to waste hardly anything on those day. Maybe the yolk mixed in helps with that. I do have a feeder in with my older chicks that has a rim on the inside that helps keep the feed from getting dug out and that is working pretty well too.

Also, I am not too worried about the extra little roo right now. I am kind of glad to have 2 to watch develop. Maybe I could get another pullet from you later or some eggs. These are really pretty little chicks. I love how they are growing into their feet. Their feet were so funny looking at first but now they are really filling out--well the chicks are too!

You would not believe how much fun we can have together! Laughing, sharing ideas and stories of our lives and chickens, silly things like someone putting a chicken on her head and always, always someone doing something to make me burst with laughter for a photo shot.

Wish you lived closer! This bunch is a hoot!
You would not believe how much fun we can have together! Laughing, sharing ideas and stories of our lives and chickens, silly things like someone putting a chicken on her head and always, always someone doing something to make me burst with laughter for a photo shot.

Wish you lived closer! This bunch is a hoot!

I really do wish I lived closer to you guys! I think it would be a hoot!

Oh Amy, my first batch of Marans hatched--I got 8 beautiful little chicks! Two more developed but did not pip--bummer. One is blue but I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next hatch to have at least one more blue. I will get pictures later but they are in with my hatch of Australorp and guess what? They really look a lot a like! I did band my Marans that did not have feathered legs though so I should be able to separate them later. The Marans are also a lot beefier than the Australorps.
Have a question..... I put eggs in an incubator on a Wed afternoon. Then we added more on Friday afternoon. When do you think I should take them out of the turner? Is there a happy medium?

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