South Carolina

You can put them all in lock down on day 18 for the first batch and they will be fine or you can wait an extra day and split the difference...I have had no problems doing it either way on some batches like that!! GOOD LUCK!!
Have a question..... I put eggs in an incubator on a Wed afternoon. Then we added more on Friday afternoon. When do you think I should take them out of the turner? Is there a happy medium?
I found an idea a year ago on some chicken website to stop the chicks/chickens from wasting feed and it has really worked well for me.
I get buckets from Ingles bakery--1 gal. for chicks--3 gal for chickens. (5 gal. will work). Don't get the garlic butter one, they will not clean up. I take a 3 or 4 inch hole saw and drill 4 holes spaced around the bucket a couple of inches down from the top rim. The chickens can stick their head in and eat but don't rake the food out. You can hang them or set on floor.
For the chicks I drill them 3-4 inches up from the bottom on the 1 gal. The chicks can get inside but do not usually scratch the feed out too bad. I use these for the silkies too.
Just estimate the height the chick or chicken will need to reach its head in and eat.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I will take them out tomorrow.....Keeping my fingers crossed! The kids at school are going to be so excited!!
I don't get on BYC as much because I can spend the same amount of time as I did before and only read half as much. Very frustrating. Sometimes I can not post replies.
I said I would never join facebook but circumstances change. I just did a lot of research before I set up my account. So far, I have not had any problems. -----thepoultrybiddotcom---- Hope it continues that way.
I found an idea a year ago on some chicken website to stop the chicks/chickens from wasting feed and it has really worked well for me.
I get buckets from Ingles bakery--1 gal. for chicks--3 gal for chickens. (5 gal. will work). Don't get the garlic butter one, they will not clean up. I take a 3 or 4 inch hole saw and drill 4 holes spaced around the bucket a couple of inches down from the top rim. The chickens can stick their head in and eat but don't rake the food out. You can hang them or set on floor.
For the chicks I drill them 3-4 inches up from the bottom on the 1 gal. The chicks can get inside but do not usually scratch the feed out too bad. I use these for the silkies too.
Just estimate the height the chick or chicken will need to reach its head in and eat.
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Patsy, I have been doing several different things with my chicks. One, which is time consuming is grind the feed a little smaller. They seem to eat it better. I also mix boiled eggs in about every other to every third day and they don't seem to waste hardly anything on those day. Maybe the yolk mixed in helps with that. I do have a feeder in with my older chicks that has a rim on the inside that helps keep the feed from getting dug out and that is working pretty well too.

Also, I am not too worried about the extra little roo right now. I am kind of glad to have 2 to watch develop. Maybe I could get another pullet from you later or some eggs. These are really pretty little chicks. I love how they are growing into their feet. Their feet were so funny looking at first but now they are really filling out--well the chicks are too!
I think I will have a pullet from the second hatch for you. These fuzzy babies are in a see-thru plastic bin in my dining room right now and I sit here at the table on my laptop every night and can be on BYC and watch the chicks too...sooo fun! These are 2 weeks old now and the fly back and forth in the bin!!! Not hop...but fly!!! it is only 12 inches deep and 34 inches long but they fly...HAHAHA

BTW...not sure if you know or would like to know but yours' birthday was January 28th.
I don't get on BYC as much because I can spend the same amount of time as I did before and only read half as much. Very frustrating. Sometimes I can not post replies.
I said I would never join facebook but circumstances change. I just did a lot of research before I set up my account. So far, I have not had any problems. -----thepoultrybiddotcom---- Hope it continues that way.

I had a LOT of problems when the BYC site upgraded so I upgraded my IE to version 8 and that took care of it! (IE = Internet Explorer) Didn't cost me anything to do...
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