South Carolina

Mary--what is the difference between creamed and raw honey?

EggieRowe you should just go ahead and start on a second coop!! My babies are about the same age and they need to be out of the brooder too. At least I have a run that they can go in during the day!

Sam came over to help build me a second coop and keeps talking about this imaginary third coop that I need!! She is so wonderful to help out!!!

A third coop can be very handy!!! and forth, fifth, sixth...etc
Are you located in or near the Pee Dee area? Do you want to have an active role where you "Encourage, Promote, Protect, & Advance the interest in hobby farming"?? Then you should look into joining our NONPROFIT: Hobby Farmers Association of the Pee Dee. We concern ourselves with everything from gardening and goats, to chickens, cows, rabbits, ducks, & aquaponics (raising fish). All membership dues and donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Membership is open to any hobby/backyard farmer or gardener, full- or part-time farmer, and anyone else wanting and willing to help others and themselves become more self-sufficient.

Why should you join HFA of the Pee Dee?
1. Discounts at select feed stores
2. Support from local farming communities
3. Discounts at HFA sponsored events
4. Unlimited learning opportunities
5. Legislative support and protection

Come check us out.

First Meeting set for Sunday September 16th at 3:00
Mary--what is the difference between creamed and raw honey?

EggieRowe you should just go ahead and start on a second coop!! My babies are about the same age and they need to be out of the brooder too. At least I have a run that they can go in during the day!

Sam came over to help build me a second coop and keeps talking about this imaginary third coop that I need!! She is so wonderful to help out!!!

Creamed Honey:
All honey will granulate at some point. How long it takes depends on the nectar source.
Sourwood or tupelo will take years. Soybean and privet are very fast. I use a starter (creamed honey) to start the granulation process and control the temperature for approx. 4 weeks. This results in a smooth creamy granulated honey which is spreadable. It is pure raw honey with nothing added.

Not all creamed honey is raw. It depends on the beekeepers method of creaming honey. Some do heat their honey before creaming.

Raw Honey:
Raw honey is pure and natural. It is not heated. It has not been strained except to remove the wax cappings using a course strainer. All of the pollen is still in it. It is just like the honey in the hive without the wax. Honey you buy out of the store is pasteurized (or heated) and filtered. The only thing left is the sweet. Heat destroys the enzymes and nutrients. Filtering removes the pollens.
I'd *LOVE* to have more chickens (and coops), but I'm probably pushing the limits with 21 free ranging part-time on what's maybe 0.25 acres of grass/weeds - and that's mostly on hills. They start denuding those areas too bad and they'll end up confined to the run 24/7.

Who has the creamed honey and how do I get some?!
I'd *LOVE* to have more chickens (and coops), but I'm probably pushing the limits with 21 free ranging part-time on what's maybe 0.25 acres of grass/weeds - and that's mostly on hills. They start denuding those areas too bad and they'll end up confined to the run 24/7.

Who has the creamed honey and how do I get some?!

Southern Bee Lady (Mary) has honey...She is in or near Spartanburg I believe...and she will be at the ChickenStock swap also. She has delicious honey!
Mary Bell lives in Pickens but comes to Greenville sometimes so if she is coming anytime soon she can let you know and you can meet her somewhere and pick some up on her route. I drive to Greer sometimes to get it unless I can lure her out to the farm here with temptations of seeing any new Silkies I may have! LOL

Creamed honey is the only thing I have bought from her because it so easy to spread. However, 2 large sandwiches first thing in the morning is not a good idea. I gave myself a big headache that way. I need to learn moderation and not greed! But it is sooooo good!
We had Labor day visitors---yes 2 or 3. 1 at 8 am and 9 am. The last at 5 pm. One had a scar on his rump so we know there were 2 at least. I spent today checking and reworking my bear fencing. My dh estimated 300-350 lbs each. This is a food plot road bed on our property. If the grass was cut in the field, you could see the beeyard in these pics.

I will let you all know when I will be coming to Greenville to drop off honey. Maybe next week.


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