South Carolina

That Silkie is certainly a roo. You poor fella.
But he will be an awesome beautiful handsome roo!
WHAT???? AMY really?? oh amy tell me you crazy....wait you can't tell a roo from hen in grown silkie chickens...
.....but really?
My two little turkeys
. They've grown quite a bit since chickenstock! I'm not sure of their breed. The card on their cage said royal palm x bourbon red, but they don't resemble any of the two breeds even faintly. I've been looking and they look more like bronze. Any turkey people want to give their input? I'd be sooo happy if they are bronze, I think they are such beautiful birds and the color I wanted to begin with. I hope I have a pair. One is slightly larger and has darker plumage. Today we constructed a new separate run for them, now all we need to do is build them a coop. They've been sleeping in a large hutch at night and are quickly outgrowing it!

My half bantam/half LF hen has gone broody yet again. Twice in one season, she's pretty determined. She's on 8 wyandotte eggs (I swear she doubles in size when she's broody to cover all the eggs, it's so weird) and all are developing nicely. who needs an incubator when you have such willing and efficient hens!

Ask Kris and Robert about the turkeys. They have looked at a lot of them and I think they have Bronze.
I have Tiger Bronze from them.

The girl is on the left. A Royal Palm tom on the right. A Guinea is trying to be big stuff.

This is the tom Tiger Bronze, mate to above girl.

These are 4 months old. Not sure if Bronze is a lot different from them or not. Samantha got one of these from me and she says hers doesn't have the same colors as the boy or girl of mine.

I think Kris and Robert can show you pix of their Bronze if they still have them.
Ask Kris and Robert about the turkeys. They have looked at a lot of them and I think they have Bronze.
I have Tiger Bronze from them.

The girl is on the left. A Royal Palm tom on the right. A Guinea is trying to be big stuff.

This is the tom Tiger Bronze, mate to above girl.

These are 4 months old. Not sure if Bronze is a lot different from them or not. Samantha got one of these from me and she says hers doesn't have the same colors as the boy or girl of mine.

I think Kris and Robert can show you pix of their Bronze if they still have them.

UMMM...AMMMYYYYY!!! They are hatching a plan to go cruisin' uptown late one night...see how they are eyeing the truck? bwahahaha!
Yeah, but those were older! Harder to tell!
YOURS I can tell. LOL You don't want it to be a boy but I am telling you.....he is looking at that camera with AT TI TUDE!

I hope it turns into a girl.

And I picked out 2 Partridge Silkie girls from a large pen of youngsters last Feb.up in Morganton. People thought I was nuts. There is a learning curve....
When I picked out my 4 from nikki when they were chicks I picked 4 hens! Now the 4 i hatched myself I can already tell by their behavior (and combs) that a few are going to be roos.
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