Space requirements for Red/Freedom/Rainbow Rangers


Raising Layers and Meat Birds in the City
Apr 22, 2022
Northern Ohio
I have 7 Rainbow Rangers on order from Meyer Hatchery for September. My question is how much space do they require per bird when free-ranging in order for it to not get too poopy? And, how much do they poop compared to CX?

I think my plan is to brood them for the first 2-3 weeks. Then do 2-3 weeks in the tractor. Then as they get larger, I might section off a part of my backyard (maybe 20x30ish but I haven't measured it yet) and let them roam in there. I know with CX they poop so much that it would get pretty messy in there with 7 birds, but would this be manageable with the Rangers? I don't even mind spot cleaning poop into a bucket every few days like I do with my layers who free range in the yard, but if their poop is gonna be kind of watery like the CX, that wouldn't be possible.

I just don't know if I can tractor in my small yard all 10 weeks because I like to keep the higher traffic part of the yard "unpooped" for when guests are over, and I'd probably run out of untractored space. I have also heard these birds are more active and might enjoy the free ranging more. Anyway, lmk what you think.
My experience with rangers is that their poop is larger and slightly more loose than layers, but not as bad as CX. I've had 10 rangers at at time sharing a coop with a few layers and utilizing the same yard. Although the yard is 80 x 80 feet, the reality is that the chickens tend to congregate in the corner of the yard with the shade shelters and near the food and water. I didn't notice unmanageable poop levels, with the full disclosure that this is in a dedicated chicken yard, not on my back lawn. I noticed the excess poop more under hte roosting bars in the coop. I had to scrape very messy poop boards down daily and I wasn't sorry when they transitioned from coop to freezer.

Which brings to another point. Unlike CX, the rangers will want to roost at night. Which I thought was actually a good thing because it is easier to scrape a poop board off than have to shovel dirty straw off the ground.
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My experience with rangers is that their poop is larger and slightly more loose than layers, but not as bad as CX. I've had 10 rangers at at time sharing a coop with a few layers and utilizing the same yard. Although the yard is 80 x 80 feet, the reality is that the chickens tend to congregate in the corner of the yard with the shade shelters and near the food and water. I didn't notice unmanageable poop levels, with the full disclosure that this is in a dedicated chicken yard, not on my back lawn. I noticed the excess poop more under hte roosting bars in the coop. I had to scrape very messy poop boards down daily and I wasn't sorry when they transitioned from coop to freezer.

Which brings to another point. Unlike CX, the rangers will want to roost at night. Which I thought was actually a good thing because it is easier to scrape a poop board off than have to shovel dirty straw off the ground.
Wow thanks for bringing up roosting bars! I did not consider this at all. It looks like I have some preparation to do. Maybe they can still stay in the tractor at night but I'll build a freestanding roost in it or something
If you don't have roosts, they will sleep on the ground. I think a lot of people do tractor rangers without them. I just like the fact it is a little cleaner to deal with.
Good to know. So do you think if I had 7 in a 20'x25'ish pen for a maximum of 4 weeks, would it get too poopy? Part of that area is covered by juniper trees and I don't think poop buildup would matter there as much since it's dirt. They could scratch it around. I just don't want the grass part getting too bad.
Good to know. So do you think if I had 7 in a 20'x25'ish pen for a maximum of 4 weeks, would it get too poopy? Part of that area is covered by juniper trees and I don't think poop buildup would matter there as much since it's dirt. They could scratch it around. I just don't want the grass part getting too bad.
Would you be moving it at all? If it's moved around, like a tractor, I think it would be fine. If it is stationary and they are in it 24/7, it might get pretty yucky. I can't say for sure as I've never done it that way. It might help to put some type of absorbent litter down -- wood chips, straw, etc. that you stir around/top off if it gets too poopy.
Would you be moving it at all? If it's moved around, like a tractor, I think it would be fine. If it is stationary and they are in it 24/7, it might get pretty yucky. I can't say for sure as I've never done it that way. It might help to put some type of absorbent litter down -- wood chips, straw, etc. that you stir around/top off if it gets too poopy.
Nah it's just a stationary, sectioned off portion of my yard. Maybe I should just tractor them as long as possible and then for the last couple weeks have them there.
I just had a cup of coffee and looked at your post again -- for some reason I read the pen as being 20 X 25 inches -- that's why I thought it was a tractor. At 20 x 25 feet, I think you will be fine on poop. You might have to rake it up every now and then where they sleep, but I think you will be fine. Looking forward to hearing how you like the rangers.
I just had a cup of coffee and looked at your post again -- for some reason I read the pen as being 20 X 25 inches -- that's why I thought it was a tractor. At 20 x 25 feet, I think you will be fine on poop. You might have to rake it up every now and then where they sleep, but I think you will be fine. Looking forward to hearing how you like the rangers.
Oh okay, thanks so much! Yeah I'll probably actually do a spot cleanup a few times a week when I do it for my layers anyway so hopefully it doesn't get too bad. And yeah, looking forward to trying the Rangers.

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