Speckled something with blue beak? Please help ID breed and gender. Also care questions (new chicken owner).


Apr 8, 2022
North Alabama
Found a ~3 wk old chick at Tractor Supply today. Speckled wings, pinkish (maybe a tad yellow?) legs, white nails, blue beak. Head with stripe and back with stripes. Please help me ID breed and gender, I have no idea! Also, is this a rooster or a hen? When I got it, the back end was caked with poop, but it was actually pooping fine in between poop globules, and its poops and vent look good. So I cleaned most of that off (still wet in the pictures) and I think the rest is caked onto the dried umbilical stub. I'll probably try and wipe its butt again in a day or so to keep it clear, and hopefully the rest of the dried poop will work its way off in time, maybe when the umbilical stub pops off? I didn't want to force it or get it too cold.

TSC had no clue what it was, breed or gender. It was the only one of its kind that they got in. Told me it was a Sapphire (I said nope), then said it came in with a bunch of ISA browns (nope again). I don't know much about chickens, but I'm pretty sure it's not those. I've got it in quarantine now, not sure for how long I should keep it separate. Wanted to see if it perked up a bit now that its butt is cleaned off and pooping isn't such a struggle. It's eating and drinking.

I'm a totally new chicken owner, with eight other chicks (1 starlight green egger, 1 prairie bluebell, 1 golden comet, 3 ISA brown, 2 buff orpington) all 3-4 wks old right now. My coop will accommodate up to 10 chickens, once I finish building it. I was going to transition the rest of my flock to 80F this week, but I think the new one might want to be at 85F? Maybe I'll let them all sit at 85F for another week. I have 2 heat lamps, but one bar that goes across two bins. I'll put together a bigger bin for the new chick if needed, but wasn't sure how long to quarantine. I'd like it to join the flock soon. I really hope it's a hen. It was beautiful, and I felt sorry for it. The TSC made a one-time exception to their minimum order quantities and let me purchase it after I explained I had 8 of similar age at home already.


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Beautiful chick! I've never seen one that looks like that yet. Now a new breed to learn about!

(I did want to point out from one of your pictures, it looks like your chick might have pasty butt. If you don't know how to take care of pasty butt, one of us will love to help you out. ;) )
Beautiful chick! I've never seen one that looks like that yet. Now a new breed to learn about!

(I did want to point out from one of your pictures, it looks like your chick might have pasty butt. If you don't know how to take care of pasty butt, one of us will love to help you out. ;) )
Yea, it came from TSC with pasty butt. Looks like the actual poop is fine, so I don't think it's got coccidiosis (feeding it medicated feed for a week or two while it's in isolation, then plan to switch over to 20% protein chick starter without medication). I'm not sure how to get the rest of the poop off, since I'm afraid it's stuck to the umbilical stump and I don't want to pull that off or trim that off with scissors. The vent is totally clear, although you may not be able to tell from the picture. Figured I'd try and soak it again tomorrow (didn't want to traumatize the chicken too long tonight). What would you recommend?
Yea, it came from TSC with pasty butt. Looks like the actual poop is fine, so I don't think it's got coccidiosis (feeding it medicated feed for a week or two while it's in isolation, then plan to switch over to 20% protein chick starter without medication). I'm not sure how to get the rest of the poop off, since I'm afraid it's stuck to the umbilical stump and I don't want to pull that off or trim that off with scissors. The vent is totally clear, although you may not be able to tell from the picture. Figured I'd try and soak it again tomorrow (didn't want to traumatize the chicken too long tonight). What would you recommend?
Have warm wet (but not dripping) paper towel and put it on the pasty butt and let sit for a little while. That should help soften it up. Next, with the paper towel, remove what you can. If it didn't soften it up enough to remove everything, get a new warm wet paper towel and keep repeating the previous step until everything is removed. It might take some patience, and you might want to give your chick a break in between new paper towels.
UPDATE: So, the chick is flourishing - we've named it Speckle. It is ~5-6 weeks old. It is bulkier than our other chickens, with thicker legs (yellow) and thicker shoulders. Its feathers poof up from its body. Do you guys still think it's a Green Queen and that it's male?


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