Spectacular Seramas! - Online Contest (No Prize) - Ends 8/1/21


Free Ranging
8 Years
Mar 20, 2015
My Coop
My Coop

Above Photo Credit
Hello everyone! I would love to see everyone’s Seramas! I recently acquired some chicks and am having Serama fever. The rules are simple, please follow them and thanks for participating!

  1. Up to two entries member.
  2. Birds must be adults - cocks and/or hens.
  3. Both entries in single post.
  4. Pure Serama - no cross!
  5. Contest ends August 1st, 2021.
  6. Have fun!​
View attachment 2771891
Above Photo Credit
Hello everyone! I would love to see everyone’s Seramas! I recently acquired some chicks and am having Serama fever. The rules are simple, please follow them and thanks for participating!

  1. Up to two entries member.
  2. Birds must be adults - cocks and/or hens.
  3. Both entries in single post.
  4. Pure Serama - no cross!
  5. Contest ends August 1st, 2021.
  6. Have fun!​
This is great! Thank you for making this contest!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, those seramas are beautiful! Is the hen a frizzle? When do you say they become "adults?" If they're laying or crowing?

and also the photo quality is terrible on this i-pad, so sorry for when I post.
This is great! Thank you for making this contest!!!!!!!!!

And by the way, those seramas are beautiful! Is the hen a frizzle? When do you say they become "adults?" If they're laying or crowing?

and also the photo quality is terrible on this i-pad, so sorry for when I post.
You’re welcome! I completely love Seramas!
You should do a "serama chat thread" if their isnt one already.
Oddly enough I ended up selling my Serama chicks that I had. I still love Seramas, but I was limited to how many birds I could have where I live. I decided to focus more on my standard flock which I've had for a while already. That and I'm starting some ducks :)

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