Speedy's chicks are doing great!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 30, 2011
All of Speedy's chickies are great... there was only one egg that didn't hatch, and since I had to assist #2 egg (it was in the wrong position) I'm thinking that's probably what happened to #1. :-( I have four beautiful babies though. #2 hatch is just like her mama...it likes to be the center of attention and is wanting to be with me always. She is VERY smart.

Here's a couple of pics...

This Cat was friends with Speedy and I think she senses a connection....The chicks were very interested.

Alert and very curious and perfectly happy to pose for the camera.

They love sleeping in my lap...all four are here, one is just buried under everyone else.

I feel so blessed to have these angels in my life!

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