
I Like Turkeys

Mar 7, 2022
Hopefully this isn’t too dislikable a topic. I have a bunch of spiders in my yard, so I am constantly running into them. Lately i’ve just begun to like them, and i suppose I’d like to talk about them.

My favorites are definitely the orbweavers. I have a bunch of spiny backed and golden silk orbweavers in my yard. The golden silks tend to hang around the frontal emu pens, where it’s more wooded. They‘ll make these group nests, where I’ll see 3 or more females, then occasionally their male partners. I usually find spiny backed ones behind that area, nesting on or between some of the smaller trees in my backyard.

this is a male/female pair of golden silk orbweavers below. The male is tinier, the female is the big colorful one. There were 1 or 2 more pairs on that same nest.


This, I found a giant grasshopper or cricket in the nest of a golden silk orbweaver pair. It disappeared the next day. The nest has since come down, sadly. I’m not sure where the female went.

This girl below is who I called “the giant”. Photos don’t do her justice, she was massive. She nested right beside my turkey pens. Her nest has disappeared too, as has she. A spiny back is now nesting where she was.

And a spiny backed orbweaver. They‘re super cute.

If anyone else has spider photos to share, feel free. I definitely do. I just really want to talk about spiders for some reason.
Besides the orbweavers, I have a lot of other spiders in my yard. Yellow garden spiders, brown widows, wolf spiders, etc.

This is a yellow garden spider who nested in my shed for a few months. She was cute, from a distance.

Some giant wolf spider(i think), below. they’re terrifyingly fast and large. One was in the house for a while, and frequented my room though. As long as It wasn’t on my bed, it was fine.

Idk what these below are.


i also have a massive brown widow invasion. Brown widows are invasive to the US, and killing off the southern black widow population in Florida. I’ve been exterminating every brown widow I see, to the best of my capabilities. They’re a bit freaky. They can get as dark as black widows, but have spiky egg sacs, so my go-to method is “kill anything with a spiky egg sac”. I feel bad about killing them, but not enough to stop.

Dark brown widow in a kiddie pool, below.

Juvenile widow below, super pretty. Idk if it was a brown or black widow. She kinda disappeared into the chicken coop, so I don’t know if she’s even alive.
Spiders are awesome!! My favorites are the jumping spiders, they're so "friendly" LoL.

Green Lynx are my second favorite, spikey little buggers and so are their egg sacs.

We also have variety of spiney orb weavers and the black&yellow garden spiders.

Oh and this handsome wolf spider straddling a brick on the wall.

Black widows are common here, find them often. Even tho they're poisonous, they are quite lovely.
Eeeek! I bet you can hear their footsteps!
These Tarantulas are about 5 to 6 inches from front to back legs when extended, pretty big and juicy. :D They are fairly harmless to humans, their mouths are too small to bite and inject venom. But they can shoot their tiny hairy quills into the eyes of dogs or cats that get too close.
These Tarantulas are about 5 to 6 inches from front to back legs when extended, pretty big and juicy. :D They are fairly harmless to humans, their mouths are too small to bite and inject venom. But they can shoot their tiny hairy quills into the eyes of dogs or cats that get too close.
Remember I said I could live in NM after you told me the temps weren't as oppressive as I thought? Well, I take it back, again😁.

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