Spill the secret to long relationships

We've been together 10 years. We're one of those couples that never fights, always gets a long and really has no issues.
The reasons?
We're best friends but we have our "own" time. We don't get jealous of one another. We trust each other. We don't hold grudges (He didn't take out the trash? Big freakin' deal. Let it go.). We don't sweat the small stuff. We're a team. And most importantly, we respect each other.
married for 28 years. Dated for one month before proposing on Friday, June 13th, 1980. We have very little in common. I love Sports - she loves her soaps. I'm more outgoing - she would rather blend in unnoticed. The thing we do have in common is neither of us smoke, drink or feel the need to always socialize. We enjoy our company. We argue, but never "cross the line" where you say or do something that can't be undone. Sometimes it is best to not say what is on your mind during the heat of an arguement, because you really don't mean to;). Good Luck!!!
Me and Sam met orginally in Elementary school. He sat behind me and teased me, I of course hated it. So when he and his family moved away in 4th grade, I was so happy. Then they moved back and we started dating our Junior year of Highschool, we got engaged December 22, and then got married June 11.
The secret, in my opnion, to a long happy relationship is to love one another, and never stop. Sure you'll have your off days, but its those "on" days that make the whole trip worthwhile. Treat eachother with respect, if they don't do something you asked them to earlier, don't sweat it. It doesn't matter if you yell at them, they still probably won't do it, just keep your head up, and think positive. So what if you disagree on one thing, I bet there are a billion more things you can both agree on.
Love them everyday and never ever stop.

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