Spin off: How do you cook your duck?


12 Years
Jul 27, 2007
I was just reading the "Do you eat duck" thread. I admited that I am not a duck as a food fan. Not because of sentimental reasons, but because we never really ate duck when I was growing up. Except that pressed duck off the Chinese menu and I don't know if that really counts. Anyway. . . I went to the heart of the matter and talked to my mother. I asked her why we never had duck.

She said that to cook duck correctly it is really eaten almost raw. I remember watching a Top Chef where they said it was supposed to just warmed up, not really cooked.

So I wondered, those of you that cook duck yourself, how do you cook it?
I use Alton Brown's (my hero) recipe:
I just do not cook the breast for as long as he recommends, I think I cut the steaming time in half. This is the recipe that made me love duck. The skin is crispy and the meat is juicy and perfectly seasoned.
As far as eating it almost raw I think that maybe the case for the breast although I would not cook them below medium. I heard grilling them to that degree of doneness is very good, I just never got around to trying it. The leg quarters are similar to chicken quarters in that they have a lot of connective tissue and are best cooked longer.
This is the recipe that I use, hopefully others have some good ones that they will share so I can try.
Umm... I thinks maybe all the scary talk should be taken away from poor duckling ears and be in the recipe section instead of the duck section.


Too much talk about eating ducks in the duck section is not healthy for the feathers.
I do mine this way too and it always turns out perfectly delicious! There's even a YouTube video of the episode so you can watch him do it. It's 2 parts but the second part is about cooking the duck. Just search Good Eats & Mighty Duck.
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I roast mine with a lovely orange glaze...provided I do not name it before butchering time...if I name it, it lives here forever.
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I've yet to cook one of our "home grown" ducks, but often cook store bought duck for DH. I have a 25 +/- year old Farberware indoor rotisserie that I cook duck on. Score the skin so the fat drains off well, baste with a Chinese type sauce: olive oil, soy sauce, fresh ginger, Chinese 5 spice blend, and a tiny bit of sugar. DH loves duck this way... me? I don't eat duck.

We're raising about 5 ducks now that are bound for the freezer. Just a couple months to go. Until then, they're livin' the good life!

Going to give the posted recipe a try with the next duck we cook... thanks for posting the link!
Right..naming it is the thing..
If you name it you cant eat it.

BTW..sorry, i cant help you..i think duck meat is gross... i dont like dark meats..
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Same, Mr. Saddi even looks like a younger Alton Brown...

~Saddi who has a thing for guys in lab coats....
So do most of you that cook duck cook it until the center of the breast is still pink?

I just have two ducks right now. Cayugas: Bambi and Thumper. . . guess they are safe huh? But next year I want duckling and if I have too many drakes I hate for them to go to waste.

Goat_Walker I am sorry it the topic offends you. I am not looking for recipes per say, but as I said, a spin off of the "Do you eat duck" thread. Many people raise ducks for food.

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