Spinosad for mites

Glad you don't have that issue, but IF it pops up, I wrote down everything we did to fix the issue:

If mite bites on you are an issue, or mites are getting into the house:

While treating the chickens I suggest keeping a dedicated set of chicken-only clothes, gloves, boots, etc. either in garage or shed, somewhere out of the house, and only use those around the chickens until treatment is done. Before going back into the house, check arms and legs carefully for any mites.

I also got some permethrin spray for use in the house, and sprayed all our muck boots, as well as hubby's office chair and the sofa.

Launder everything you've worn recently in hot water + hot dry. Launder your sheets as well. Even things like pillows... let them tumble in the dryer on high for at least 30 min. I even threw jackets in the dryer. If you happen to have rubbing alcohol to spare, my pest guy suggested spraying the mattress as well.

Continue vacuuming daily for a couple of days and make sure to empty out the vacuum/remove bags when done.

I even put Frontline on the dogs, just in case.
This is sage like advice. Thank you. I'm sure after all that your DH stopped hugging them before bed!
Picked up the Permethrine dust. It says to use 1 lb for every 100 birds so I should only need a 1/4 lb to treat everyone. It doesnt say how often to treat though.
I would treat once a week. You can also put the dust in the nest boxes. I dusted my birds until they looked like powdered doughnuts making sure the dust was thoroughly worked to their skin through their feathers.
Permethrin is an insecticide in the pyrethroid family. Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals that act like natural extracts from the chrysanthemum flower. Permethrin is used in a number of ways to control insects. Products containing permethrin may be used in public health mosquito control programs. They may be used on food and feed crops, on ornamental lawns, on livestock and pets, in structures and buildings, and on clothing. Permethrin may also be used in places where food is handled, such as restaurants. Permethrin is highly toxic to fish and other animals that live in either salt water or fresh water. Permethrin is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects. Cats should be kept away from areas that have been sprayed with permethrin until after it dries. During Fly season I have used it to control the fly population.
I would treat once a week. You can also put the dust in the nest boxes. I dusted my birds until they looked like powdered doughnuts making sure the dust was thoroughly worked to their skin through their feathers.
It says on the bottle to keep it away from the eggs so I wouldn't put it in the nesting boxes. Everything was sprayed down with Spinosad and the birds all got a thorough dusting with the Permethrine. I'm gonna check my birds daily but I will treat again this coming Sunday if they are still infested. We've just never had this problem before. Ive been raising chickens for 3 years and have been rather diligent. Theyve never had mites, lice or worms. We've only had problems with raccoons and hawks so no rats or mice either. It just makes me wonder why now especially in the middle of winter!
Permethrin is an insecticide in the pyrethroid family. Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals that act like natural extracts from the chrysanthemum flower.


My understanding is that Pyrethroids are a natural plant extract made from the chrysanthemum flower and Permethrin is, as you say, a synthetic "equivalent" made from petroleum.


I will redo my research but if you have a reference that supports your suggestion I would be eager to have it.

This is NOT to say that the risks you outline are incorrect.
Well I came home today to find Garbage dead as a doornail and in rigor. I knew it would happen eventually from her ascites but I think with the mites it was the seal in her coffin. The rest of them seem happy and healthy thus far. Rest in piece Garbage. Know that we always tried to make your short life comfortable :hit
Its been a whole week so I just checked in on them today. I pulled back their feathers and looked. When I didnt see anything I then blew into their feathers to check as well. I didnt see any sign of mites and some of my birds still had a little Permethrine dust on them. I think we're good but I'm still a little worried. They all seem really active and healthy though. They are also all taking dust baths. Hopefully the removal of garbages body meant the removal of the mite eggs. To be safe we're gonna deep clean again tomorrow

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