Spirit of the wild (horse rp)



Keeper of tiny dinos
Apr 17, 2019
Please Read First

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Story: horses have always run wild and free, roaming the forests and plains of the great open west. Many herds are scattered across the land, dotting it's vast expanse. Their life is dangerous and often drought with life and death instances, but they love it none the less. However, a new threat has encroached upon the land. Humans have moved in and started settling the land, disturbing the different herds and adding new horses and competition for gazing lands.

Setting: the old west, just as humans started arriving and rounding up horses.
(There are three herds, spirits herd called running herd, prairie herd, and thunder herd
Lead stallion
Lead made
Other stallions
Other mares

Outside the herds
Lone mares
Rogue stallions

My characters

Looks: cream coal with black Maine and tail, blue eyes, white hooves, strong stalky build.
Name: spirit
Gender: male
Age: 5 yr
Person: spirit is a calm respectful stallion. He cares deeply for his herd and is deeply loyal to it
Bio: He was born to the previous lead stallion and his mate and was raised there
Herd: running herd
Rank: lead stallion
(There are three herds, spirits herd called running herd, prairie herd, and thunder herd
Lead stallion
Lead made
Other stallions
Other mares

Outside the herds
Lone mares
Rogue stallions

My characters

Looks: cream coal with black Maine and tail, blue eyes, white hooves, strong stalky build.
Name: spirit
Gender: male
Age: 5 yr
Person: spirit is a calm respectful stallion. He cares deeply for his herd and is deeply loyal to it
Bio: He was born to the previous lead stallion and his mate and was raised there
Herd: running herd
Rank: lead stallion


You guys interested??

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