
I think I'll just have to wait until the situation somehow changes to get any. They seem like really amazing chickens, but I don't want them to be unhappy being confined to a run and I can't imagine how free ranging only part of the flock would work, even if I tried to free range the Spitzhaubens discretely. (Most of my current flock are definitely not competent enough to free range)

Thanks for answering!
You know whats not fun? We just spent 10 minutes chasing one of our Spitzhauben breeder roosters around the horse pasture. Imagine 5 of us trying to corner a flighty little Chamois Spitzhuben rooster. I am sure it was a funny sight. We were relocating our Spitz and Coronations from the horse pasture to the old garden plot and found out my youngest daughter Morgan left the door unlatched.

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