
Alaskan were you talking about my chick? Im hoping for a girl too. I've never had a spitz before. Are they hard to sex like silkies? And can you go by there crests? This one has no sign of a crest yet. Does that develop later? Sorry about the questions im new to this breed.
Alaskan were you talking about my chick? Im hoping for a girl too. I've never had a spitz before. Are they hard to sex like silkies? And can you go by there crests? This one has no sign of a crest yet. Does that develop later? Sorry about the questions im new to this breed.

I wasn't at all clear with my rambling posts.... silly me

They are not as hard to sex as silkies, but they aren't super easy either... of course, I am not good as guessing sex in chicks, so maybe I shouldn't say anything
Hello AmyP. Congrats on ur new chick!

I found the spitzes very tough to sex. I watch combs & waddles for development. But still last year I had a late developer whose comb & waddles were very small & had no sign of hackle or saddle feathers when he started to crow.

Good luck w ur chick! Hope she's a she. It's a fantastic breed!
Ok well thanks for the info. I will post some pics as she grows. I'm so excited to have one. Oh yeah about her color will she be white with Speckles? Cause I know there is gold and cream too.
I had three. A hawk got my girl Fowlen. I was left with Elvis and Priscilla. Elvis was gorgeous and quite a character. Unfortunately he got very agressive when we got a second rooster. He attacked my daughter and scratched he just below the eye all the way down across her lip. Let's just say Elvis had to leave the building. Now I am left with Priscilla. Out of 21 chickens she is my very favorite hands down. She is extremely friendly. She will come in the house any time she can slip through the door. She is a very talkative bird. She flys up on my shoulder. She is the only chicken I let in the garden with me. She comes to the sliding glass door and jumps up pecks the door, as if to say let me in. If she sees you with cheese she goes nuts. Great personality. I would be so sad if anything happened to her. She is my girl. Love, love, love her!!!!

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