
the girl who took my first spitz is taking this one, too. it will be a happy reunion - except probably not because i doubt they’ll remember each other. now i just need to find a home for my jersey giant roo!
They may actually remember each other. I'm pleasantly surprised how well my new orp is doing within my flock. I sold her last year but the person decided to get out of chickens. I requested one of his chickens & brought her here yesterday. His whole flock was made up of my birds, so it was like having a 2nd flock. Anyway, she was freaking out being in the side yard & kept trying to get to the backyard. I decided to put her inside a tractor & moved her close to the chicken fence. The flock walked by to check her out & went on with their day, but her old hatchmates stayed by the fence and talked with her.
They may actually remember each other. I'm pleasantly surprised how well my new orp is doing within my flock. I sold her last year but the person decided to get out of chickens. I requested one of his chickens & brought her here yesterday. His whole flock was made up of my birds, so it was like having a 2nd flock. Anyway, she was freaking out being in the side yard & kept trying to get to the backyard. I decided to put her inside a tractor & moved her close to the chicken fence. The flock walked by to check her out & went on with their day, but her old hatchmates stayed by the fence and talked with her.
That's great! Wow.
I am going back and forth on whether to take #2 cockerel to the swap Sat. 98% of the time everyone is getting along. There are times when #1 or the hens have to discipline him, and then it's over and they quietly go on as if it never happened. There could be an advantage of keeping both, especially at the times when we free range, as we occasionally have lost chickens to coyotes and it would be good to have a backup.
I am leaving for a week middle of June, leaving DH to care for them which makes me a bit apprehensive ....I don't want him to have any hassle.
Next swap is July. I realize I have the crock pot option any time, but I would have to overcome a big hurdle to do that.
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That's great! Wow.
I am going back and forth on whether to take #2 cockerel to the swap Sat. 98% of the time everyone is getting along. There are times when #1 or the hens have to discipline him, and then it's over and they quietly go on as if it never happened. There could be an advantage of keeping both, especially at the times when we free range, as we occasionally have lost chickens to coyotes and it would be good to have a backup.
I am leaving for a week middle of June, leaving DH to care for them which makes me a bit apprehensive ....I don't want him to have any hassle.
Next swap is July. I realize I have the crock pot option any time, but I would have to overcome a big hurdle to do that.

clearly, you just need more hens so each rooster can have his own harem. :D

i am not to the point where i could dispatch of any of my chickens, either, and i’m uncertain as to whether i will ever get to that point. a few weeks ago, my favorite hen developed issues with her reproductive tract which caused significant deterioration of her health. i work in the veterinary medical field and so have the luxury of being able to consult with a vet free of charge, and she recommended that reba be culled. i euthanized her, which i know is not the optimal way to go, as her body is rendered useless for anything to consume, but i didn’t think i could handle it any other way! perhaps if it wasn’t my favorite, i’d feel differently, i don’t know...
Flugel found a new foe....and it's a really mean ugly one, he says....we'll have to go drive the truck in the mud so he'll stop attacking it.
chicken reflection (3 of 1).jpg

Meanwhile, Fritz is going to the poultry swap tomorrow. I've got it all ready to load him up. I think we will eliminate multiple instances of chaos by doing so.
I will miss all your Fritz stories. I hope you can find him a great new home.
Yes, I have enjoyed having him, but he is fitting in less and less. Last night, out free ranging, he upset Flugel over and over by grabbing/chasing pullets who were screaming and fleeing. There were at least 3 high speed chases that lasted a few minutes each. The hens don't appreciate his persistent rudeness. Even Moonshine the Sebright has broken off their short friendship and joined the Me Too movement. Night before, a chase resulted in him getting caught in a cattle panel, those heavy welded wire sections, he used to fit thru pretty easily, but not when in a mad dash. His head was thru one opening, his wing caught above in another and he couldn't move. No one had injured him, apparently, they all went into the coop and I found him there alone, carefully extricated him, and he seems fine. I put small mesh over the area so that can't happen again. But there just are too many things that can go wrong, and if you asked the others, I think they'd vote him off the island....as I said, I'm going out of town, and I have to feel things are settled down here.
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I put my older spitz with the last set of chicks (mixes and Spitz)

Below is a good shot of a Chamois Spitz. There is a Golden Spangled Spitz in the back. The black chick on the right... not sure if it is an Ameraucana or a mutt.
2018-06-02 13.17.44.jpg

Group shot. Two nice Golden Spangled Spitz in the back. Two way too light, need to be culled, Chamois Spitz in the front. The white chicks without hats are Leghorn crosses.
I really like that Chamois Spitz!

I'm guessing they're pretty rare. I see mostly the silver spangled for sale - if I ever do see them for sale.

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