
My son's Spitz "Poof Poof" is still molting and looks grumpy. (Like most Spitzie's she likes to sleep up high.)
IMG_6382 (2).JPG

Her "sister" (My sebright , "Trouble") is also grumpy about the cold.
IMG_6387 (2).JPG
I just found this thread! Anyone out there have Golden Spangled Spitzhaubens? I got 3 chicks from Cackle Hatchery, earlier this year, when they didn't have enough Silver Spangled Hamburgs to fill my order.

Had no idea how much I would fall in love with this breed. I've been working on a line of sex linked, predator savvy, free-ranging rainbow eggers sired by my Gold Spitz Elvis. They're gorgeous! I am about to get my first eggs from the black sex links. I have a few months to wait for the rest but I'm expecting a variety of egg colors including blue, green, brown and cream.

Here are some of the pullets...
Black sex link (Dam: Dominique)
10 weeks_dom-spitz.jpg

Brown sex link (Dam: Cream Legbar)

Brown sex link (Dam: Olive Egger)

You can follow their progress here:

I'm going to try out some gold sex linked Gold Spitz x Silver Hamburg chicks in the spring to add white to the egg rainbow...
I just found this thread! Anyone out there have Golden Spangled Spitzhaubens? I got 3 chicks from Cackle Hatchery, earlier this year, when they didn't have enough Silver Spangled Hamburgs to fill my order.
View attachment 2465780

Had no idea how much I would fall in love with this breed. I've been working on a line of sex linked, predator savvy, free-ranging rainbow eggers sired by my Gold Spitz Elvis. They're gorgeous! I am about to get my first eggs from the black sex links. I have a few months to wait for the rest but I'm expecting a variety of egg colors including blue, green, brown and cream.

Here are some of the pullets...
Black sex link (Dam: Dominique)
View attachment 2465783

Brown sex link (Dam: Cream Legbar)
View attachment 2465788

Brown sex link (Dam: Olive Egger)
View attachment 2465793

You can follow their progress here:

I'm going to try out some gold sex linked Gold Spitz x Silver Hamburg chicks in the spring to add white to the egg rainbow...
Elvis is a looker.

Nice to see the labeled chicks
I just found this thread! Anyone out there have Golden Spangled Spitzhaubens? I got 3 chicks from Cackle Hatchery, earlier this year, when they didn't have enough Silver Spangled Hamburgs to fill my order.
View attachment 2465780

Had no idea how much I would fall in love with this breed. I've been working on a line of sex linked, predator savvy, free-ranging rainbow eggers sired by my Gold Spitz Elvis. They're gorgeous! I am about to get my first eggs from the black sex links. I have a few months to wait for the rest but I'm expecting a variety of egg colors including blue, green, brown and cream.

He's a very handsome rooster!
Perhaps I can talk @homeschoolin momma into getting some new Spitzies with me. Love the gold color.
Hi everyone, how are you doing? All are well here, people, chickens....
Here are some pics of my Spitzhaubens and Sprights (Spitz-Sebright mix)--
3 of the 5 Sprights with Nadine, the Spitz pullet. Nadine's Dad and Mom in the background are in another run.
Margarita, my crazy crested Spitz is so quirky and friendly. I just love her to pieces.
She is the only one that is fine with being handled. She'll follow me around begging for sunflower seeds, almost sounding like a whining puppy. The pullets are laying but have slowed down since a big winter ice storm a couple weeks ago. I am only getting 2 eggs a day, down from 4-5 from 7 pullets at this point.
1-18 Margarita.jpg
Well, one chicken is no longer w us. The little Spright cockerel was aggressive and I was unable to correct his behavior so he had to die. The girls don't seem to miss him at all.
It's a relief not to have him.
Let's keep this thread alive, let's see some pics everyone!
Hi everyone, how are you doing? All are well here, people, chickens....
Here are some pics of my Spitzhaubens and Sprights (Spitz-Sebright mix)--
3 of the 5 Sprights with Nadine, the Spitz pullet. Nadine's Dad and Mom in the background are in another run.
View attachment 2495684
View attachment 2495699
Margarita, my crazy crested Spitz is so quirky and friendly. I just love her to pieces.
She is the only one that is fine with being handled. She'll follow me around begging for sunflower seeds, almost sounding like a whining puppy. The pullets are laying but have slowed down since a big winter ice storm a couple weeks ago. I am only getting 2 eggs a day, down from 4-5 from 7 pullets at this point.
View attachment 2495682
Well, one chicken is no longer w us. The little Spright cockerel was aggressive and I was unable to correct his behavior so he had to die. The girls don't seem to miss him at all.
It's a relief not to have him.
Let's keep this thread alive, let's see some pics everyone!
They’re stunning!
Hi everyone, how are you doing? How are your birds doing?
We had a low of minus 21 yesterday, and the chickens did fine. I did bring my Sebright and a couple others into the basement. But the outdoor ones were fine. This morning, 10 above seems really nice.
I put up scarecrows and a fake owl to keep the wild birds at bay
scarecrow 2-17.jpg
I am starting to put leg bands on the Sprights as I can't tell them apart....these are from the mini coop group thus the same color. But the others will all be different.
leg bands 2-16-21.jpg
Margarita with the floofy poofy crest got a haircut so she can see better....we could have cut more.
Margarita 2-16-21.jpg
Here's Nadine-- the Spitzhaubens are the most likely to go out into the cold.
I put shavings on top of the snow....
Nadine  2-16-21.jpg

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