
This is Fraulein. See how gentle she looks?

Below is Kato. She likes to attack me, so I named her after the butler from the Pink Panther movie, that would attack Inspector Cluso.

I also set some SS and GS eggs. From a diff farm.
I was at the N40 yesterday they had spitz chicks but they all looked ready to drop.
My Spitz hens are all mellow and timid. I tend to think of them as less intelligent than the others but maybe it’s just that they aren’t so intense, so fervent. Maybe they have a different philosophy.
One of our Sprights just hatched out a chick, our first Spitzhauben of 2021! I only gave her 2 eggs since she’s inexperienced, the 2nd egg quit. So it will be one spoiled baby.
Beldar, the rooster, is passing out cigars.....
Mama Moonshine the Sebright, age 4, seemed broody so I gave her 3 eggs. It looks like she has abandoned them, this is day 3. She has always been such a compulsive broody, but maybe she’s over that. That’s okay to retire, we won’t worry about those eggs. (I have 6 in an incubator).

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