
How is that possible?? How did you get lacing??
Only on their chests. See, on the black feathers.
Would Blue Spangled Red be possible?
Any pattern that can exist in black can also exist in blue. So yes, blue spangles are possible, just like blue laced red or any other blue-something pattern that exist in other breeds.

I wonder if you could get blue spangled gold by crossing a blue and a gold spangled? I don't know how the spangled gene works.

Spangling is caused by a combination of genes, so it will take multiple generations to get there if you start by crossing a spangled bird with a bird that is blue all over. But yes, it could be done.

To transfer one dominant gene (blue) into another variety (spangled), the basic breeding process is fairly simple: start by crossing blue to spangled. For every generation after that, choose a chick that has the blue gene, and cross back to spangled. Keep repeating until you have birds with have nice blue spangling.

The color of the spangles will follow the usual inheritance charts for black/blue/splash. The usual gold spangled is "black" for this purpose (because the spangles themselves are black), and when two blue spangled birds are crossed there will be some chicks with splash spangling.
How is that possible?? How did you get lacing??

Spangling is caused by a combination of genes.
Lacing is caused by a slightly different combination of genes.
So not-quite-right for one can start to look like the other.

Both of them are a pattern of black near the edges of the feather, but then the black is arranged a bit differently for one than the other.

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