Split wings?


9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
How early will this show up in chicks? I mean, at what age do you KNOW you have a split wing? Does anyone have a picture of a young bird that has split wing?
I really hope this doesn't get me into trouble, but another forum with show breeders states that you shouldn't look for split wings until the birds are mature.

I've tried it before and nearly had a heart attack at all the split wings I saw at 2 weeks old. As adults they have perfectly formed wings.
thanks for the info, that is what I was figuring from what I had found on the subject, which really wasnt much...you still wantin some moderns or are you gonna wait til you get moved? I can hook ya up bigtime now
I think I'm going to have to wait. If something goes south with the move, I don't want to lose birds that I do not really know how they'll handle a 2-day drive. Thanks though! Maybe you'll be able to use some for some projects of your own!
I am cuttin down to birchens and brown reds, and the wife has red pyles and white tailed buffs...if the spangles dont work, and that is pretty iffy, I may try some white tailed reds...

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