spoiled brats

six chicks

7 Years
Jun 7, 2012
I'm afraid we have spoiled the girls. They have been allowed to "free range " the back yard for most of the day since they were about 10 weeks old. Now getting them back to the run is a chore.
They stick to the hedge rows and under shrubs grubbing for bugs and digging holes. Now to get them in it takes two people to herd them since they have so much cover. They run from bush to bush in a big circle, much to the delite of the neighbors as they watch a grown man be out smarted buy four little hens!
They will go in on their own at dusk and settle on the roost but on their own terms. How much free ranging do they need? When they start laying, (any day now), will they just drop them in the hedge row?
I have always fed and watered my 2 girls in their coop.
I let them free range for about 2 hours morning and 2 at night when I am outside to watch them.
I have always given them cooked spaghetti as a treat so when I want to get them into the coop they "follow the spaghetti"
They will run each other over to get to the door.
I think sometimes they even try to tell me its time to go back to the coop by jumping on my lap and getting down, going over to the coop and coming back and clucking to me.
They are so funny.
Thanks Helen! I used the treat method last night. Oatmeal cookies are their fav! Followed the crumbs all the way back to the coop!
These gals are so much fun!
I put in a chicken door up high on their hen house and they come and go as they please. They get themselves up in the morning and go to bed on their own at dusk. They also lay in the nesting boxes inside the hen house no problem. My girls are very independent. Of course we live waaaay out of town and my nearest neighbor, my mom, lives a quarter of a mile away. The only predators we have to worry about are coyotes and we try to keep them as scared of our place as possible.
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Mine seem to know to go back to the nest box to lay. Even if they're allowed to free range. I don't know if it's instinct .. they feel safe? they feel the eggs are safe? some kind of nest instinct?

Well good luck.
When are you going to post a video of "two people to herd them since they have so much cover. They run from bush to bush in a big circle, much to the delite of the neighbors as they watch a grown man be out smarted buy four little hens" - LOL
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I would love to send some pics ! These girls do something funny every day! We'll see if one of the grand kids can help with that one.
Still struggling with the computer.
Mine put themselves to 'roost' at night all on their own now. As soon as the sunset reaches a certain point....they head for their coop. Then I lock up the coop and pen for the night!
My girls free range all day. When I'm not home I will put them in their fenced yard, but most fly out. LOL Mine will follow me for treats. I shake a container with scratch and they will follow. They start heading back to their yard around dinner time and everyone is in the coop at dark. To help let them know where to lay their eggs, you might also put a fake egg in each next box. Golf ball will work too. Just a little reminder to them, that's a good place to lay an egg.
Mine put themselves to 'roost' at night all on their own now. As soon as the sunset reaches a certain point....they head for their coop. Then I lock up the coop and pen for the night!

Mine too!! It's funny, they all gather outside the door as to do a head count and then one by one they go in. Then they squabble over "who's perching where" for a few minutes then silence. crazy chickens...

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