spoiled chickens

I LOVE your coop!!! Heck let em in to watch movies and while they are away i'll be moving in LOL.

Mine are extra spoiled all have names and nick names. Bread everyday and scrambled eggs 2 times a week or more along with fresh fruit and veggies from the garden. One favorite thing of theirs is donuts, the plain kind of course, they are hyper enough without the extra sugar. It happened by chance while i was outside having my morning coffee and donut my tiny little dutch hen came out of nowhere and did a fly by stealing the donut and dragging it under an old pickup truck sharing with everyone. One is sooo spoiled she gets mad when i dont take her in the house with me so she scratches at the door to get in. I open the door and her fuzzy little butt scoots right into the kitchen and makes herself at home. If i had any of those chicken diapers she would be sleeping in my bed with me. IN the winter i give them fruit cocktail and lots of scratch and scrambled eggs, the occasional hotdish leftover provided its not full of salt. They eat better then i do
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ummmm......does grits in the cold and frozen fruit and veggies in the summer and.................cooked, warm veggies and rice in the winter count as spoiled?????

Not to mention that they like to watch movies and slides with us when we are outside on the pool deck or the fact that their coop is cleaner than my house count as spoiled????????


Sadly it's true!!!!
I cooked for my birds this morning and told my kid to pour himself a bowl of cold cereal. Told my son that I really only favor them because they don't leave socks rolled up in hamper and perhaps with a little effort he too could have oatmeal next weekend.
Leah-yes I know I'm crazy :

Told my son that I really only favor them because they don't leave socks rolled up in hamper and perhaps with a little effort he too could have oatmeal next weekend.

Don't worry your normal
For us chicken lovers at least. I spoil mine rotten. When our first chicken died, I cried for hours. Most people probably think I'm insane but I would rather feel to much for my pets than not care.

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